Diversity and inclusion in organizations

Diversity refers to a process where steps are taken to embrace people's differences in terms of gender, national origin, social status, age, religion, education, ethnicity, and race in order to come together by putting their differences apart and walk in one direction and unity towards achieving a specific goal. Being recognized, cherished, and supported are all examples of inclusion. In order to foster an environment where everyone may handle their aspirations calmly and meet their goals, integration ensures that all individual rights are protected. Organizational cultures should value inclusion in order to increase productivity (Devarakonda & Powlay, 2016). The diversity issue and solutions will be problem in google and ways to fix it.

Diversity Problem at Google

Google has been in the limelight for a diversity problem after it came public that they have a diversity problem in the company. The message was according to director of company operations Laszlo Bock who revealed that 70 percent of the employees at Google are men and that of the workforce population, Hispanics make up to three percent, whites 61 percent, 2 percent African-Americans and Asians 30 percent (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/05/29/google-admits-it-has-a-diversity-problem/?utm_term=.9b77d97e073a ).

PBS’s news hour also reported an in-depth review of the company which discovered that when the research is broken down according to job categories, the technology department is primarily occupied by men who make up to 83 percent of the tech department population. Asians also dominate the sector with 34 percent while the Latino’s come last with only one percent (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/05/29/google-admits-it-has-a-diversity-problem/?utm_term=.9b77d97e073a ).

The company, however, took liability for the not so appealing numbers and promise that an improvement including embracing tech women in the tech department and balancing the racial and ethnic differences will be looked at. The company also believes such publicity helps in identifying its weak links and fixing them publically and even motivating other companies to release diversity reports and if there are any glitches fix them. The move will lead to more diverse workplaces (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/05/29/google-admits-it-has-a-diversity-problem/?utm_term=.9b77d97e073a ).

Problems Faced by Managers in Upholding Diversity


In every work setting, there are always people who always have negative work politics and are resistant to changes even in ideal environments. Managers, therefore, find it hard in spearheading change when the people who are supposed to work within the changes are against them, i.e. when the tech manager at Google decides to embrace women in the department and the men who are already there retaliate the move, the change will hardly manifest (Canas & Sondak, 2013).


A diverse job setting brings about people of different races, ethnicities, and cultures. The disparities in social norms widen which leads to a possible miscommunication due to the different ways of doing things. Misunderstanding brings about misinterpretation which breeds poor relationships at the office leading to low productivity which is a minus for the company. For a reason, managers always fear for some of diversity impacts (Canas & Sondak, 2013).

Disorganization in Drafting Policies/plans

In a diversified setting, all people come with their cultures which include social norms and all the people involved must be considered in the policies to create an enabling environment. i.e., Muslims may have a different code of dressing differently from most organizations but to embrace a diversified workplace; their dressing manner should be considered by the policies as a way of respecting their cultures (Canas & Sondak, 2013).

Recommendations for Solving Diversity Implementation Problems

Diversity in an organization brings about diverse views and creativity and ways that managers can encourage diversity in the office include;

Paying Attention to Organizational Culture

As earlier discussed, diversity can have adverse effects on the organization especially if the culture does not support inclusiveness. When it does not, some aspects have to be changed in order to avoid actions and attitudes which result in a divided workforce whereby some of the minorities may feel despised and unwelcomed. To tackle such, managers may conduct employee interviews to know what they think about bringing in diverse workers (Canas & Sondak, 2013).

Healthy Decision Making

After realizing the possible impacts of diversifying the workplace, managers should call up all interested parties, i.e. current employees to a table and collect their views on the issue. Managers should also try to convince existing employees of possible advantages accrued. By involving the interested parties, no one will feel left out of the movement, and when the diversified employees come in, they feel at home as the company was ready for them (Canas & Sondak, 2013).

Providing Diversity Training

To reduce chances of failure, diversity training is necessary as it raises the odds of success. The move helps in educating those who are unaware of the advantages realize them and also gives the know-how on the way to relate well with people who are different from you either in race, culture or ethnicity. The move helps in creating a more welcoming environment and also helps in enhancing retention efforts (Arends, 2014).

Advantages that Come With Upholding Diversity

Boosted Creativity and Innovation

Culture is known to influence the perspectives that people build when viewing the world. When diverse cultures are brought together, a wide range of both professional and personal experience are brought under one roof. The vast knowledge and skills create a good avenue for problem-solving and advise hence creativity and innovation are heightened, and this attributes to business success (Barak, 2016).

For example, when a business wants to venture to another continent, a worker from the continent will help in advising about market trends and the best possible manner to enter the market.

Cultural Diversity Organizations Attract Best Talents

When job hunters are looking for jobs outside their locality, country and even continent, diversity is a factor to them as that gives them a speculation as to whether they are likely to be absorbed or not. When a firm in the USA upholds diversity, a sound technician in China will be motivated to apply for a vacancy with the knowledge that s/he will be picked regardless of ethnicity as compared to a firm that does not hold diversity and inclusion (Barak, 2016).

Profession and Personal Growth

A diversified environment brings various people together. When different people come together, different mindsets, knowledge, and experiences are shared, and there is a chance for the profession and personal growth. People from different continents may share knowledge, and this boosts awareness (Barak, 2016).


It is clear that diversity has both positive and negative outcomes but clear that the negative aspects can be avoided with proper efforts and therefore the positive results can be accrued. Diversity and inclusion need to be upheld in every workplace of this century as it also boosts relations between countries and continents.


Jena M. Google Admits it has a Diversity Problem. Retrieved on December 9, 2017 from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/05/29/google-admits-it-has-a-diversity-problem/?utm_term=.9b77d97e073a

Arends, R. (2014). Learning to teach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.

Canas, K., & Sondak, H. (2013). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. Pearson Higher Ed.

Devarakonda, C., & Powlay, L. (2016). DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION. A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching, 185.

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