Different Parenting Styles

I decided to use essay number 8 for this week's task. This article examines a few different parenting philosophies from different angles. Some parents have a strong sense of authority. In this instance, the author had an option as to which extracurricular activities he could engage in. In addition, the author's parents did not pressure him to participate in any of the athletics or extracurricular activities. According to the author, the family's children did not have a lot of obligations, so the author was free to act like a typical young child. Even though the author occasionally had to watch children, he claimed that it was not a hassle for him. I definitely think that these actions align with the authoritative parenting style of which I prefer to other styles. The authoritative parenting is the style that my wife and I use on our kids. I think it is wonderful how the author’s parent’s parenting style was shaped by their upbringing. The author’s father was raised with a part of uninvolved parenting.

The author mentioned that the mother was not significantly involved, and basically, after he graduated, had to leave his parent’s house. I would say the author’s mothers had some portion of uninvolved upbringing too. The author’s parents got their children when they were young, and hence the author’s mother had sibling babysitting duties while their parents lived their individual lives. Scott Smith (2014) says that the authoritative parenting still allows for rules and borders, but also allows kids to feel that their opinions are a part of the decision-making process. In this style, the child still respects the parent as an authority figure, and this leads him growing up to be a more responsible and independent adult. This article reflects what the essay’s authors wrote in the piece I that he was allowed to choose what activities to join and was not pressured into a choice.

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