Culture has been a shrinking feature in recent decades, with considerable mayhem seen among many cultures all around the world. As a representation of the social norms that people currently adhere to, culture is significant to a society. Each group has been making every effort to preserve the distinctive elements of its culture, which has always created conflict when it comes to mingling with other tribes. How people react to particular behaviors, including kissing, drinking, and even marriage, depends on their cultural background. Many individuals mistakenly believe that the best culture should be evaluated, however culture relativism makes it evident that there is no greatest or worst culture. Human behavior is determined by more than one factor, and it is attributed to culture than biology. Sociologists value culture more than biology because culture affects behavior and emotions such as altruism, aggression, and competition. (Freese., 2008, pp114) In my essay, I will explore certain concepts of culture among the people of South Korea which is influenced by social norms. This is because of upholding the traditional society system. South Korea will act as the representative sample of the western culture due to its diverse merits and demerits of its culture. Sometimes we are supposed to standardize the issue of culture indifference human beings takes into consideration respecting other culture as a sign of allowing others to express their identity. However, this respect sometimes is seen to be discriminative especially when the individual is using excessive attention. According to Durkheim, traditional societies are held together by mechanical solidarity. This is a form of social cohesion that is determined by the solidarity of members. The modern variety has evolved to a diverse community that has different social roles, economic interests, and different experiences. Durkheim tries to review the traditional hierarchy among the Korean people and their discipline in workplaces. This has helped Korea to maintain political stability and economic development imitating foreign technologies to ensure there is technological advancement. However, the use of excessive hierarchy has become one of the ethical issues that has not yet been properly resolved, and this is seen to reduce creative thinking. Mechanical solidary has stood alone, but over the time it has been dominated by the organic solidarity due to differentiation and growth of structures in social development. Change in solidary does not change the structure of the society. If we were to consider a society whose cohesion was fully as a result of resemblance, then we have to view it as a homogeneous mass whose entity cannot be separated from each other and initially had no structure. This could be avoided in structuring all social organizations, and therefore an actual protoplasm comprising of all social types would develop. Structure of society that form organic solidarity is different. They are formed by not just repletion of homogenous, similar segments but different organic systems in which each has a different role comprising of differentiated parts. The social elements are not distributed evenly. The social type develops principles that are different from the preceding which can be developed through proportional effacement of such type. In such a type the individuals are no longer classified according to lineage but in accordance to particular nature of the society which they are devoted to. The nature of the individual is not given by birth but determined by the occupation. This is evidenced by the fact that it is not birth or blood tics that mark the place a person resides but the occupation that and individual is undertaking. This is witnessed among different people in Korea who move to different parts of the country to find jobs, and they adapt the solidarity of the people living there. Mechanical solidarity does not only link men with weakness, but also advancement in social evolution scale becomes weak. Strength of the social ties with these characteristics differ in three conditions. The similarity between the capacity of conscience collective and the mind of an individual. The meant intensity of conscience collectiveness of the state. If it is equal, the impact to an individual is vitality, and if it has weakness, then it can only drive an individual weakly towards collective direction. The person will be more capable of pursuing his course, and hence there will be less solidarity. The fixity of same states whether lesser or great has practices and believes that exist and they leave a small space for an individual difference. The uniformity of these ties molds within all the individual’s actions and ideas that are formed. This makes it easier for the individual to arrive at a consensus and all the minds move in unison. When the rule of conduct is indeterminate, then it calls for intervention of a more conscious direction to be consistent with a certain case. There are two forms of conscience. One contains the common character common the society while the other contain personal character of every individual. Personal character constitutes of individual personality while the common consciousness constitutes collective of the total society and without it, such society would not exist. Variation in punishment differs according to the people’s norm. The hierarchy of social type can easily be distinguished since a social type may be more or less developed than the other. However, this comparison alone is not sufficient enough to conclude a clear defined hierarchy due to the development of societies from single to linear sequence. The second concept is drawn from the view that government is seen to have absolute power and there is no other organ with such power. The traditional and resinous sectors are the secondary organs that break upon the government to ensure that there is autonomy. The subordinate duties of these organs can be subjected to the supreme regulatory in South Korea. Strong and defined state, on the other hand, forms the basis of penal law although this aspect is diminishing slowly as compared to the previous years. The average degree of fixity has diminished over the years, and therefore we cannot conclude that total of conscience collective has narrowed. We cannot justify that conscience collective relates to vital interest of the society. This aspect suggests that collective conscience is aimed at strengthening concern and clarifying the actions that violates a crime. The society has also come up with measures of punishing the wrong doers to make them feel guilty and make them suffer. Through modern solidarity, the aim of punishment has changed to paralyze the individuals who are contemporary evil and also refrain others from committing similar crime. In South Korea, division of labor has played a significant role in developing institution and rapid growth of the country economy. This development is realized due to the interchange in actions between the social mass (Merton.,1934, pp 319-328). There has been advancement in the means of transportation and communication which has diminished the gap which act as barrier to social segment and therefore increase the density of the society. This visible value contributes to moral density. The natural consequence in the advancement of division of labor among South Korea people is contributed by social solidarity. Initially, Durkheim thought that anomie was unnatural and suggest that organic solidarity caused interdependencies that contributed to the complex division of labor. In his later work, Durkheim was pessimistic about this idea and argued that it could contribute to forced labor through a diaspora of utilitarian norms and this would lead to dangerous tension and economic egoism (Durkheim., 1962, pp 1). Social isolations on social relationship and relationship network of humans. These isolations define and attaches meaning to the effects and emphasizes that human beings behave in accordance to the internal interpretation. Individual behavior is comprehended and made by interactions within the society in which they belong. The second view point is that is rooted on economics with the idea that expense determines that human beings are considered as reasonable beings, and therefore they choose a path that will gradually lead them to maximizing their profit and minimizing the expense. Social exchange theory suggests that individuals begin to behave when profits grows, and expenses comes from minimization. The accumulative profit disadvantage suggest that poor network caused by life processes before the old age and is connected to social isolation or insufficient network. Characteristic of each gender restrict the origin of resources. (Levitas.,1996, pp 5-20) The concept of collective conscience enables us to a deeper understanding of shared believes in the society. In mechanical sodality (the ones who live in small homogenous community) have a strong moral structure and believe.As compared to those who live in complex heterogeneous society. Durkheim believe that complexity of solidarity and social relationship in South Korea is the same as the promulgated legal rule. He believed that the quality of law in South Korea has contributed to an index of social solidarity. The social laws have also impacted greatly to overcome the class antagonism with the aim of social progress by emphasizing on solidarity among the people of South Korea. Durkheim also addressed the concept of suicide through his idea of anomic. He suggests that it a pathological social condition that has weakened the bonds among different individuals in the society. Durkheim proposed that the theory of suicide is based on how people in the society bound to each other. High level of social integration is seen to form basis of ultraistic suicide while low integration lead to egoistic suicide (Durkheim., 1973., PP 1) The concept of the stranger helps us to understand the nature of the western culture and especially the South Koreans. The state of being a stranger helps an individual to behave with high morals and standard of discipline. South Korea began moderation after liberation from Japan. In this early age, it tried to overcome the hierarchical traditionalism structure. The case of stranger can be demonstrated by using an example of an individual who goes to trade in a different locality. This person interacts with people from different cultures, and he has to preserve his own culture and respect the social solidarity of others. From mid-1970, the government of South Korea has tried to revive the culture from the traditional traces. This is seen in Simmel’s concept of inorganic where by members are considered as strangers to the culture of the people. Liberty is witnessed through this concept of stranger and the inorganic concept. Fanon reviews about the Negros and how colonization made Negroes move to their current residing places. They have a certain tradition which is closely traced to their places of origin. Similarly, after the colonization in South Korea globalization became rooted and there was great concern about preserving the traditionalism. The concept of recognition in South Korea motivated them to pursue areas of technological advancement with the aim being recognized by states like Japan. South Korean no longer wanted the civilizing country to continue viewing them as slaves but an independent state. There is the concept of worries in which the black were worried about their general state and their families. Most of them were mistreated and considered dirty. This reflects South Korea in that after liberation the state had to prove to the masters that they are not disadvantaged in any aspect. From essay 1, according to Max Weber in his Engel’s theory of origin, the social aspect of a community can influence an individual behavior alienation of workers and labor division is therefore attached to this alienation as witnessed in South Korea. Some vulnerable groups such as the children and women in South Korea have been subjected to a culture that limits them from owning properties by the men who are obsessed with economic prosperity and power. One of the factors that has led to alienation in South Korea is the government’s role in control the market operations. This is through promoting excess labor and suppressing collective labor, and hence the laborers remains unpaid. Capitalism in South Korea triggers price alterations seasonally, and this brings confusion of shifting from one form of production to another. Weber suggests that capitalism will always alienate workers by forming a false consciousness which will trigger competition within the labor market. This has limited the workers from working within their area of specification. Emile Durkheim played an important sociological role to the culture and especially to people of Scandinavian countries. His reviews on the concept of mechanical and organic solidarity are seen to determine the social types in the society. They also lead to social integration and this aspect is seen to affect the division of labor in general among the people of South Korea, the government has also contributed to alienation and discrimination through introduction of market control among the people of South Korea. Works cited Freese, J. (2008). Genetics and the social science explanation of individual outcomes [Supplement]. American Journal of Sociology, 114, S1–S35. Merton, Robert K. "Durkheim's division of labor in society." American Journal of Sociology 40.3 (1934): 319-328. Durkheim, Emile. "Suicide: A study in sociology. Glencoe: IL." The Free Press. Ellis, KC (2014). Academic advising experiences of undecided first-year students: A qualitative study. NACADA Journal 34.2 (1951): 4249. Levitas, Ruth. "The concept of social exclusion and the new Durkheimian hegemony." Critical social policy 16.46 (1996): 5-20. Durkheim, Emile, and Robert N. Bellah. "Émile Durkheim on Morality and Society Selected Writings." (1973) Simmel, Georg. "The stranger." On individuality and social forms (1971): 143-149. Fanon, Frantz. Black skin, white masks. Grove press, 2008: 418-425

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