Cross-Cultural Training and Development of Personality

The Importance of Cross-Cultural Training for Expatriate Employees

The HR manager has the responsibility to prepare their employees for dealing with conditions outside the company and the country. Among the actions that the manager should take on preparing expatriate employees are cross-cultural training and development of personality (Teague 139).

States differ in the cultural values and beliefs that unite them together hence it is necessary to provide training on the culture of other countries that will enable the employees to cope up with the work environment in their daily activities. Moreover, states have a different cultural perception of the collective responsibility of men and women hence cross-cultural training will increase the understanding of the employees on what is right and wrong (Teague 139). Development of personality revolves around enhancing the employees' relationship and skills in the workplace to ensure efficiency and better outcome which will create a good picture of the company in the international markets.

The Impact of Cultural Differences on Expatriate Recruitment

In a country like Saudi Arabia, there are strict rules that govern what women should and should not do. For example, they are not to drive, must ask permission when going to the hospital, and they attend separate school from men. These cultural activities may result in injustice when recruiting expatriate employees for jobs in such a country due to the difference in culture. Also, transfer of expatriate employees lead to surplus labor in the market which lowers wage rates, and the domestic workers will lose their jobs due to the preference of worker from other countries that have high skills (Armstrong, Francis, and Grow 95). The issue can be solved by training workers on the ethical principles that exist within a country that will promote understanding in the workplace and help in adhering to the laws.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Anona F., Ronald D. Francis, and Heath S. Grow. "Ethical issues in the employment    of expatriate leaders in corporations." Economic and Social Development: Book of            Proceedings (2017): 95.

Teague, Jennifer. "Corporate preparation for the cross-cultural adaptation experience of the       accompanying expatriate spouse." Journal of International Business Research 14.2 (2015): 139.

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