From this course, I have been able to improve the learning outcomes in the various categories that were described in the syllabus. In the first category, Think Critically and Read Analytically, I have been able to improve on reading and to respond to various texts critically for purposes of interpretation. Through this course, I have been able to grow my reading and responding skills, by improving these skills, through these skills, my comprehension has also developed. This means that I can understand a particular text when am reading it and respond to the text in the right manner. This is essential in ensuring that I find the correct interpretation of the text as is required. I have also been able to understand how to analyze different texts before they are interpreted critically. Through the course, my analysis skills have been improved by learning about critical thinking, an analysis of any writing should be done after essential thinking. One also has to read analytically before conducting a study that will be used for interpretation. Through the course, I have been able to improve on these outcomes.
Another category in the syllabus is Compose and Revise in Context. In this category, I have been able to improve the use of various methods of development such as illustration, comparison, and contrast, and analysis. In this category, the course allowed me to explore the different methods of composing and revising that exist. I was also able to understand the different ways of putting the works that I have written or those that I have reviewed into the right context. In the course outcome that I improved on, I was able to learn and understand the various methods of development that exist. For instance, I was able to learn how to do illustrations when composing a new piece and putting in the right context for the appropriate audiences. I was also able to understand how to use comparison and contrast when composing or revising a piece so that it can properly fit into the context that is required. I improved on the analysis that is used when developing a piece. To ensure that development fits into the context, one needs to analyze the various factors that will influence the development, in this case, I have been able to improve the learning outcomes on the various development methods.
Reflect, Collaborate and Evaluate is another category in this course. Under this category, I have been able to improve my ability to develop a critique my work and the work that has been by other people. The ability to criticize my work allows me to develop different views on my work, and it also allows me to see the other perspectives that exist, the scenarios that could have happened if I did the work differently. Similarly, I can be able to critique the works that have been done by other people. In creating a critique that is good, I have to critically read and analyze the works that have already been done. This course outcome encompasses different outcomes that ensure I achieve the competence that is required in developing the critique. For instance, I have to read analytically and respond critically to texts that have been done by other people including my works before I develop the ability to critique them.