Comparison of Hitler and Napoleon

Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte

Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte were two great leaders who changed the face of the world. Notably, they did not only have a significant impact during their time, but also their influence is still felt in the modern world. The two rulers followed a near identical path towards their conquests and denoted to have similar tactics in their reign. As such, Hitler and Napoleon were leaders from different times and yet they depict to have had many similarities than differences. While Hitler and Napoleon denote to have similarities in enacting radical opinions in battles, accepted as monarch and having been dictator leaders, their rule differs in the technology they used.

Similarities and Differences between Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte

First, Hitler and Napoleon had radical opinions on fighting. They believed that things could only be resolved through fighting and hence called on the people to fight to the death. The two leaders used children and teens in their battles. Napoleon used the Marie Louises, and Hitler utilized the Hitler youth. In their fight, Hitler managed to conquer Poland within 24 days, and on the other hand, Napoleon was able to conquer Sardinia and Austria in nine days (Englund 152). Besides, Hitler took over Belgium, Poland, France, and the Netherlands. Napoleon also conquered Italy in less than one year. The two leaders were determined to realize victory in their battles.

Acceptance as Monarchs

They were both accepted as monarchs in their democratic society despite having been immigrants. They were foreigners to the countries they invaded and ruled, and they conquered Europe. Napoleon was an Italian and Hitler was an Austrian. People wanted the return of the monarchy strength, and thus they hoped that the leaders would achieve the aspect. Also, the Germans and the France people were tired of invasions and inflation which had damaged the economy. Notably, the two managed in eliminating the economic crisis and brought economic reforms. Both established a feeling of national security which was significant in raising patriotism and national pride.


Another most interesting similarity between the two leaders is that they were both dictators. Englund reports that they were the most feared dictators during their time (Englund 160). Hitler began to reign in 1933 when he was appointed to become a Germany councilor. Through his dictatorship, he managed to rule the people until when he committed suicide in 1945. Also, Napoleon reign began in 1783, and this went on until when he resigned in 1814. Their dictatorship trait was a crucial factor in making them accomplish their victories and conquests. They were both imaginative and ambitious on the concept of acquiring personal power. They aimed at making their countrymen master of Europe. Napoleon propagated the notion of French Revolution and hence did some imperial pretensions in Europe. Napoleon even went ahead to crown himself as the emperor of France. Hitler was the Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces, and he used dictatorship to extend the Germany emperor over Slavic lands to the East. He used views that were anti-liberal, anti-democratic, and anti-communist. Hitler's reign was also mixed with anti-semitism and racist-ultra-nationalism.

Technological Difference

However, a key difference between the two is evident through the technology used. Hitler's regime was technologically superior compared to that of Napoleon which was largely characterized by military genius. The Luftwaffe, a powerful air force owned by Hitler was vital in providing a close tactical air support to the Panzer when they conquered Northern Europe. However, Napoleon heavily relied on his military power in his battles (Englund 157). Napoleon's army was well established and used maneuver, cavalry charges, and cannonade which were effective in making him win the battles. This difference is largely contributed to the time the two ruled. Hitler belonged to the 20th Century when technology was quite advanced whereas Napoleon belonged to the 19th when technology was still low.


Hitler and Napoleon were ambitious and possessed intellectual personalities in their leadership. The two were dictators, had radical opinions in their battles and were selected as monarchs. They were also immigrants in the regions they ruled. However, Hitler denoted to have employed high technology in his leadership compared to Napoleon, and this makes the critical difference. Nonetheless, the two will remain to be historical leaders whose reign will continue to be felt by many people.

Work Cited

Englund, Steven. "Napoleon and Hitler." Journal of the Historical Society, vol 6, no. 1, 2006, pp. 151-169. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/j.1540-5923.2006.00171.x.

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