Cognitive Development

Human Behavior and Psychological Problems

Human beings tend to be mad to a certain percentage. These attributes are seen from the works of Oliver (1998), he looks at his patients as exhibiting certain traits that are not reasonable. They are beyond human doubt. This is an issue that arises when people develop psychological problems. Most of them would arise from the issues that are in society for instance lack of family values.

Erosion of Culture and Deep-Rooted Problems

In society and more, the contemporary world people have a peculiar way of doing things. This is due to the misnomers that people have developed in the community. This has led to the erosion of culture. This is not a right approach to doing or looking at issues that affect society. Therefore, philosophers and psychologists have stepped out of their way. This is because of the issue that they try to understand. The society has deep-rooted problems. It would be important to note that these problems stem from the family. This is because the family is the essential component where people learn. Thus, if the father is a drunkard or a drug addict, they would also pass the same traits to the children.

Social Learning and Cognitive Progression

Genetics thus also would show how a person would behave in the society. Thus being human-centered one can pick both the right and harmful elements. It is upon the person to encompass the correct moral values that they would need to be free thinkers, stand up for their rights and be respected in the community. There is the particular aspect that people do that might lead to the neighbors wondering what is wrong with a particular person. This is because of the issues that they usually lead and make them suffer from. For instance, one can cause family members to suffer for no apparent reason. They would better understand who they are and shelve some deeds that are degrading to them and the larger fraternity.

Role of Environment in Cognitive Development

Children can learn these traits with time. It is because they would usually see how their parents and siblings are behaving. A baby would always be keen to look around and see how other people act through their growth stages as put forward by Piaget. They watch how other people are doing that is from the speech types, the dressing and the way they eat. They would never learn from any different culture. Thus these abilities become ingrained in their brains. A child would also be able to form an opinion about how the people in the community or even country relate. If they discriminate a particular ethnic group, it would be the same aspect. Thus society is the morass of the world indeed.

Influence of Cognitive Skills on Perception and Behavior

At this stage, it is vital to say that the way a person thinks or does his activities is entranced on genetic factors of which relate to their comprehension. Thus cognitive progression would arise from how a person is doing their activities throughout the day and also make sure that they perceive issues in a certain way. For example, a person might only believe that Christians are bad people. It is until they relate to this person that they would understand what they believe in and their morals in life.

Mindset Development and Consciousness

Cognitive skills would allow a person therefore to speak a new language, reason, process information, and capture information in the medulla oblongata. Thus the memory becomes the right place of storing what they have seen in life, during the day and even in the year. According to Richardson (2002), cognitive skills are innate and also come from learning. Therefore if a child sees the father as being the hostile person, they would behave in the same manner. This is due to the actions that they have seen, and they are recorded in their mindsets. Thus the people watch and behave only the way their minds have been before. Therefore, the aspect of being deranged is not true. They develop traits that would make them fit into society.

Phases of Cognitive Development

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development arises from four phases. They are unique in their way. The stages are usually formed by events that are bizarre at times. This leads to the development of the human mind. It is important to note that the brain develops in stages and this leads to a buildup in a sequential system. This is due to the way the people relate and how they view the world. Therefore seeing the world as a dangerous place will create a scenario of a terrible situation over time.

Psychomotor Skills and Perception

It is through this with the time that we do develop a sense of consciousness. We know the abilities of a person as well as the experiences. The events are usually ingrained in the mindset which leads to a person suffering from guilt if they make a mistake. It is also at this level if someone professes in Christianity they would admit and seek forgiveness for an evil deed.

Human Behavior and Natural Selection

Psychomotor enables us to respond to the various feelings that we have. For instance the love for our spouse or even child. The beauty of the environment, the taste of food, pain when one is sick and the aspect of knowing that you have lost something that was dear to you. It becomes more thought-provoking in a way that one would want to question various issues in life. Nothing matters since most of the things are misnomers.

The Role of Mental Status in Society

For instance, in the world owing to the law of natural selection. Only of the most active species to survive at all times. Therefore men have also obtained the traits. They would only pursue a lady that they deem attracted to. Even, the beauty aspect would speak a lot. This is because they would like their children to be nice looking. Thus the character of pursuing a woman who is healthy in body, size and mental status.


In conclusion, the mental status of a person plays a vital role in how they behave in any given setting. The society always sets a platform in which that person will relate that being the sane and insane persons. That is what forms the society we live in the 21st century.


Richardson K. (2002). Models Of Cognitive Development. Psychology Press

Sacks, O and Sacks, O. (1998). The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales

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