Classroom Rules and Procedures

Classroom rules are prospects and values that students within a class should observe while a procedure outlines what prospects a student should display towards a given set of behaviors (Paul, 2017). In any given level, a teacher has to incorporate the rules and procedures to make the learning environment conducive to the students. In formulating the rules and process, it is crucial to involve the students in making sure that the rules and procedures are not just posed to the student. Students should be made aware of these regulations and procedures to understand why they have to be implemented. A student may not be very talkative in class. To improve on his or her participation, the teacher can design groups that will involve the participation of all the members since the teacher can pick a student randomly to explain what was discussed.

While the rules set standards that students should display in their behavior, procedures are the way the students should do to uphold that rules. Rules and procedures are vital since they make a classroom to be orderly. A rule like there should be no interruptions during the lessons, and if there are any issues, then the right procedure be used the class has maximum concentration. In return, the level of understanding is boosted (Marzano, 2001).

Response to peer 1

It is true that the procedures and rules are prospects concerning student's behavior. When rules and procedures are set, then there should be strict adherence to them. Teachers should be there to reinforce their implementation while students should observe these rules (Evertson et al., 2014). By ignoring these rules, students will fail to grasp the content presented by the teacher. Mere expectations may not help the student achieve. A guide should be in place to help them know how they are going to meet those expectations. For example, a student cannot be a good listener if he or she has not been guided on how to become one.

Response to peer 2

Procedures are not in place to reduce the need for a given rule. Instead, methods are there to reinforce a given standard. When there are no procedures, then, the laws may be broken frequently than when processes are in place. Rules outline what should be done in class (Burden " Paul, 2017). For example, if a teacher says that there should be no interruptions between the lessons, then this means that the students should be listening. Procedures give some formalities in accomplishing a set of rules.

Response to peer 3

Both the rules and procedures are essential in establishing good behavior within the class. Rules are stated to guide the students on what they should do while the systems will guide them in knowing how they are going to do what the rules demand them to do. It is true that teachers need to communicate to the students these rules (Seyithan, 2015). It is, however, essential to make them understand why these rules should be followed. By doing so, students will embrace these rules, and they will find it easy to adapt to adhere with them.

Handling a challenge

Any situation that comes on the way requires a different approach since there is dynamism in the course of delivering knowledge to the students. Being authoritative in the current era does not make the situation better, but instead, it will bring antagonism between the students and the teacher. It is time to embrace diplomacy, and if there is a problem that has cropped, a thorough investigation for the cause is done. Such an approach will ensure a good relationship still exists between teachers and students (Jones " LS Jones, 2004).


Burden, Paul. (2017). Classroom Management and Discipline: Methods to Facilitate Cooperation and Instructions. New York: Longman Publishers

Evertson, et al. (2014). Classroom management for elementary teachers. 3rd ed. Needham: Allyn " Bacon.

Jones F, LS Jones. (2004). Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems. Hudson: Pearson publishers.

Marzano, R. (2001). A Handbook for Classroom instructions that work. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Paul R. (2017). Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community. Hoboken, NJ: Willey.

Seyithan D. (2015). Classroom management and student’s self-esteem: Creating Positive Classroom. Academic Journals. 10(2): 191-197

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