Class Size Discussion

The Relationship Between Cultural Values and Class Size

The cultural values that teach the commitment of achievement, high expectations, a disciplined society, and teaching excellence are related to class size and school size. Teachers will support students because they spend more time with them, monitoring their skills and encouraging their actions yields of results, because there are less students overall and in smaller classes (Blatchford, 2013).

The Impact of Small Classes on Non-Cognitive Skills

Small classes often have high standards because the instructor is familiar with each pupil, their success, and any comprehension deficiencies. Furthermore, smaller classes result in the development of non-cognitive skills such as engagement, self-esteem, and perseverance, both of which are directly related to the school's and students' performance (Rosen, 2010).

Evidence of Academic Achievement in Smaller Classes

The only way to measure the credibility of the casual effect of smaller classes is by comparing the achievements of students in larger classes and small classes (Bowsher, 2010). In a well-executed randomized experiment called the quasi-experiment showed that students in smaller classes are always ahead academically for about two months. They are also seen to have higher grades as compared to the ones in larger classes. Therefore the positive effect of smaller classes is also strongly reflected in the elementary schools (Henderson, 2012).

Benefits of Small Classes for Student Engagement

For instance, the students become more enduring and influential because of the benefited elementary grades. Across all population, the benefit of small classes yields positive results. A good example is in classes where some students are still struggling with the English literature. They tend to learn better in smaller classes thus enhancing their performance. Class sizes also perfect the quality of writing at all levels including colleges because the students get fast and sufficient feedback from the professors on multiple drafts (Orellana, 2013).

Consideration of Finances and Parental Preferences

One major factor that can also be argued about smaller classes is the finances (Sjoquist, 2014). People believe that when the class is smaller, then it becomes expensive to maintain. The reason is that school fees may be hiked so as to keep the establishment's standards. However, according to research, it shows that class is a good reason why parents prefer taking their children to private schools. Parents in this case don't show interest scores rather than the better learning environment, improved students safety and discipline for their kids. Lastly smaller classes also have benefits regarding student engagement (Galton, 2016). In addition, students in larger classes do not benefit from improved citizenship, welfare dependency, and potential earnings.


It is evident that this analysis unequivocally leads to the conclusion that the size of the class and the number of students in it remains responsible for teaching. It's seen that smaller classes have negative impacts when it comes to self-reported outcomes, course rating, instructor rating and expected course grade. The effect of student load and size of class are found on the course and faculty results that represent the student's outcomes. Also as seen, there is a good relationship between the teacher and students where that teacher gets a chance of close follow-up based on school performances. This allows and makes the students have better grades in the long run. Lastly, we see that some parents choose to take their children to other schools particularly when they see that the size of the class is small. They believed that smaller classes would be charged higher so as to maintain the school premises. Students with non-cognitive skills like self-esteem also tends to have faster improvement because of closure relationship with their teacher.


  1. Blatchford, P. (2013). The Class Size Debate: Is Small Better? McGraw-Hill Education.

  2. Bowsher, J. E. (2010). Fix Schools First: Blueprint for Achieving Learning Standards. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  3. Galton, M. (2016). Class Size: Eastern and Western Perspectives. Routledge.

  4. Henderson, J. V. (2012). Peer Group Effects and Educational Production Functions. Economic Council of Canada.

  5. Orellana, A. (2012). The Perfect Online Course: Best Practices for Designing and Teaching in smaller classes. IAP publishers.

  6. Rosen, J. A. (2010). Noncognitive Skills in the Classroom: New Perspectives on Educational Research. RTI International / RTI Press.

  7. Sjoquist, D. L. (2014). State and Local Finances Under Pressure in smaller classes. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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