Autism in children

Autism is a disorder characterized by challenges with speech and nonverbal communication with the inclusion of social-interaction difficulties (Redshaw " Hellen 498). For others, symptoms may be more severe when the interference of their everyday life falls on the repetitive behavior and lack of spoken language. These people find it hard seeing things in another person's perspective but by their own. For instance, when it comes to the attachment the children have on their parents, it is quite unusual on the way it is expressed. The parents may see them as if they are disconnected. Children aged between 8 to 10 years of age prefer to play alone. Seeking of interventions and therapies is one way to reduce the symptoms and increase skills and abilities.


Communication difficulty is one of the primary symptoms of autism (Redshaw " Hellen 498). Young children within the age of one year born with the disorder delay to babble and speak, unlike other toddlers who pick up with speaking fast. Those who later develop autism in their life lose their communication behaviors with time. Another common difficulty is that they are unable to develop an understanding of body language.

Unusual repetitive behaviors or rather tending to interact in restricted actions is another common symptom of the disorder (Wolfenden, Witkowski " Hare 3627). These include arranging and rearranging objects, hand-flapping, repeating words, sound, and phrases. For instance, considering the way the children play with toys, they line up them for hours instead of using them for pretend play. Also, some children with autism have an unknown genetic condition that has profound effects on the brain development (Wolfenden, Wittkowski " Hare 3630). Some of these syndromes, however, have a common characteristics features of the history of the family.

Sleep dysfunction is another symptom common in adults and children and more instances the adolescents. They tend to sleep more unusually. Also, sensory processing problems is a possible symptom of the disorder.


According to Redshaw and Hellen, there is no known cause of the disorder but suggests that autism develops from a combination of environmental, genetic and non-genetic influences (496). In most instances, the condition tends to be found in families with autism genes. If a parent possesses the gene, they may get passed to the unborn child even if he/she does not have autism. Also, some other time, the genetic changes arise spontaneously in the sperm or an early embryo and increases the risks for the disorder. On the other hand, specific environmental influences a time raises risks in individuals who are predisposed genetically to the condition.


Autism intervention plan should be tailored to address the particular needs for those with the disorder (Wolfenden, Witkowski " Hare 3630). Behavioral treatment is one of the core ways to cure. However, medicines is another way to address the condition to improve the attention, related behaviors, and learning. An early behavioral intervention will involve the family working closely with professionals to support the child appropriately. For adults, therapies could cure the disorder.

In conclusion, autism is a life-long condition, and ways to prevent and cure the disorder is very crucial. Although there is no known cure, other option that includes intervention and therapies should be sought. Young children with the symptoms should go for checking by the medical professionals to give directions for the support. Children should be treated accordingly and given proper treatment to ensure the closeness with their families.

Works cited

Redshaw, Emma L., and Helen E. Smith. "Autism in children." InnovAiT 7.8 (2014): 493-501.

Wolfenden, C., A. Witkowski, and D. J. Hare. "Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Individuals with Mucopolysaccharide Disease Type III (Sanfilippo Syndrome): A Systematic Review." Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47.11 (2017): 3620-3633.

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