Arguments Against the Four-Day School Week

Education is the Backbone of Growth and Development

Education is the backbone of the growth and development of any state or region. As such, matters surrounding the system require deep and thorough consideration. One of the issues under discussion is the reduction of school days from five to four. In her essay, Jaclyn Melicharek reviews this controversial topic. Her stand is quite clearly against the change of the curriculum, and she states her reasons and arguments. In my opinion, I agree with Jaclyn, because from the discussion, the five-day curriculum is apparently much more practical and beneficial to all the parties involved, from parents to teachers to students, employees and all the stakeholders involved. Some reasons against are increased workload on students and teachers, lesser savings than expected, disruption of students studies as well as parents’ work schedules.

Students' Time Spent Outside a Structured Learning Environment

The first reason why Jaclyn is against the four-day school week is that this results in students spending less time in class and much more time outside structured learning environment. “Although the number of hours the students engaged in class activities in a day would increase, overall students would potentially only be at school 150 days per academic year. More than half a calendar a year would be spent outside of a structured learning environment.” In other words, changing the school week is interfering with the learning process at the most crucial stage of learning in human beings.

Performance of Students in Developed Countries

Research shows that as opposed to the USA, most other developed countries in Asia and Europe have their students spending more consistent time in school which makes them perform better in math, science and reading. Although the new program allows students to spend more time during the days in school to cover up for the lost day, the extra time does not have the desired results of improved quality education.

Exhaustion and Weariness

Exhaustion and weariness is a hindrance to optimum production. Eight-hour long school days are already a struggle for most students and teachers. Adding to that another two hours is much more of a load than it is a relief. Sure, the students and teachers have one extra day to rest and catch up on their sleep, but frankly speaking, this does not lessen the burden they face. Durr, Greta (2003)

Distraction Instead of Value-Adding

These extra hours mean that the students have to push themselves beyond their limits to maintain concentration level to grasp the vital information they need. Older students may have developed enough for this strenuous habit, but how about those in middle and grade school? Teachers also have to reschedule their teaching plans and put in much more time than before. No matter how much they try, they might not have the required energy and enthusiasm to maintain concentration and attention of their students. Therefore, the extra hours are much more of a distraction than they are value-adding to the educational calendar.

Insignificant Savings from Reduction in School Days

Another reason why Jaclyn argues against the four-day school week is that the savings that are acquired from reducing the number of school days by one are very little. This is because although transport costs and other minor costs are cut, they do not comprise as significant a part of the budget as does the teachers’ salaries which will not be affected by this change. “A recent study by the Southern Region Education Board the savings from a shift to four days may be as little as two percent.” In her opinion, Jaclyn argues quite reasonably that in short, the price to pay is far too high for the results that come with it.

Disadvantages and Increased Costs for Some Schools

Some schools have a disadvantage for not recording savings. The school has disrupted its program and thus affected the studies of its students as well as the plans of the teachers. Moreover, the school has to spend more in the process of going back to the original school program. In my opinion, it would be more profitable to remain with the old plan for five days and avoid unnecessary interruptions and costs, just as Jaclyn implies. Kingsbury Kathleen (2008)

Negative Impact on Teachers and Staff

Another reason why Jaclyn argues against the four-day week of school is that of the way it negatively affects teachers and other staff in the school. “Under the four-day work school policy, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers find themselves out jobs one extra day of the week. As a result, these hard workers would lose significant wages. Four-day school week also make it difficult for staff members who balance two jobs on a daily basis. Longer school days force these workers to quit one job, impossibility when one job alone cannot support a decent standard of living.” Introducing the four-day week program interrupts the staff’s life in such a way that they cannot manage both jobs. Therefore, instead of being a helpful step, it is the opposite. This interference of the teachers' financial stability as they are forced to quit one job may have adverse effects not only on an individual level but also on a national level. Durr, Greta (2003)

Effect on Parents and Increased Expenditure

Other staff members who rely on the school for income have one less working day hence one day less of income. Even the productivity of the staff reduces. Therefore, I agree with Jaclyn in supporting the team through the five-day week, because it will promote stability amongst the staff hence higher production.

Disruption of Parent's Work Efficiency

In addition to that, Jaclyn is against the four-day week policy because it affects the students’ parents. Most working parents are dependent on the five day school week program to work efficiently. “Even families that can afford daycare services or babysitters must leave their kids alone all day in an environment that does not foster learning as a classroom does. Students of all ages would be sitting at home wasting a day if the week that could have been a day full of learning.” However, the introduction of the four-week school program would interfere with this arrangement and would also cause the parents an increase in expenditure as they have to consider how to occupy their children for the extra day.

Impact on Children and Parental Worry

The available choice would be to hire outside help, which most families are unable to do. However, even those parents who can employ the help admit that they would not be comfortable as their children are not in an environment that promotes learning. Most children will resort to activities such as watching television and other outdoor activities rather than any learning activities. As such, parents have an added worry about their children when they are at work. Kingsbury Kathleen (2008)


In conclusion, Jaclyn’s argument that the school week should be retained for five days is much more acceptable. The introduction of the four-day week policy proves to have much more adverse and adverse effects on the education system and should, therefore, be avoided.

Works cited

Chmelynski, Carol. Four-Day School Weeks? Only If They Fit” education Digest 68.5 (2003): 58. Print

Durr, Greta. “ Four-Day School Week?” State Legislatures 29.5 (2003) : 21. Print.

“Four Is Not Enough.” Editorial. USA Today 17 Nov. 2008: 14A Print: Hoffman, Karen. Personal Interview. 1 Apr. 2009.

Kingsbury Kathleen, “Four Day School Weeks.” Time 14 Aug.2008. 49- 50. Print.

Yarbrough, Rachel, and David Alan Gilman. “From Five Days to Four.” Educational Leadership 64.2 (2006) : 80-85. Print.

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