Arguments Against Gun Control Laws

Gun control is termed as a set of laws or rather policies that highly regulate not only the manufacture but also the sale, possession, modification, transfer, as well as the use of firearms by the state civilians. Concerning this, in the contemporary world, owing to America’s pervasive gun culture, the gun control debate in the political, public, and legislative arenas has emerged as perhaps one of the most multifaceted and highly controversial issues in the country’s history. Generally, America’s pervasive gun culture stems from the country’s revolutionary roots, and colonial history, moreover, it also stems from the country’s legal basis for the ownership as well as possession of firearms, enshrined in the US 2nd constitutional amendment established in 1791 thereby, allowing American citizens to own guns. As a result, as of  2017, research statistics from the Pew Research Centre indicate that appropriately 40% of the homes in the US possess at least one gun which then translates to about 290-310 million firearms, thus making US top the list of nations with most civilian owned firearms (Igielnik " Brown).

The contentious issue of stricter gun control is marked or rather characterized by two primary concerns which include the government’s responsibility to protect its citizens and ensure public safety and the American citizen’s constitutional right to own firearms and (Lance, 843). The right to own guns as per the constitution has, however, faced a major backlash and intense criticism in the awake of increased negative consequences associated with unregulated gun ownership experienced by modern-day America. Therefore, owing to the devastating effects of unregulated firearms, this paper; through a detailed analysis of the controversial issue, calls for the enactment of stricter gun control policies by exploring arguments supporting the notion, arguments against as well as counterarguments.

Arguments Supporting Stricter Gun Control Laws

Creation of a Safer Environment

Reduction of gun-related deaths-While the advocates of gun ownership among them, The National Rifle Association (NRA) argue that the establishment of stricter gun control policies greatly infringes on American Citizen’s constitutional right, the advocates of stricter firearm dispute on basis of the universal right to life following the rise in cases of gun violence that affects all civilians including some of the most innocent parties such as children. Over the years, the proliferation of firearms has been highly attributed with the increase in gun related deaths which continuously serve as a somewhat brutal reminder for the American citizens and the nation that there exists no sanctuary from gun violence, not in workplaces, churches, schools, or even homes. In relation to this, research indicates that more than 85 gun violence fatalities are recorded every day; although not all are featured in media coverage, which in, turn translates to about 33,000 fatalities every year which according to the Centre for Disease Control and Control center has risen to about 12 gun deaths per 100,000 people (Hauser). Regarding this, 62% and 50% gun related deaths in America are as a result of suicide and intimate partner violence respectively, survey also indicates that presence of a firearm or rather possession of a firearm increases the risk of murder in cases of domestic violence by five times (Hauser). Other gun related murders also result from drive by shootings, assault, self-defense, robbery with violence, unintentional shootings, as well as police interventions among others.

Reduction of Mass Shootings- Creating a safe environment also means reducing the rate of mass shootings in the country. Concerning this, for the past few decades, America has witnessed some of the deadliest mass shooting in its history due to unregulated gun ownership. As a result, in the wake of some of the gun-related massacres which include the Texas Church and Las Vegas massacres, as well as the recent Florida the Santa Fe, and Texas school mass shootings, there has been renewed advocacy for stricter gun control laws. Today, almost 155 days into 2018, there has been more than 100 mass shootings resulting in many deaths and injuries, in addition to mass shootings there has also been a rise in terrorist acts such as in the case of the San Bernardino attack which showed how easy it is for terrorist to acquire firearms. Therefore, there is need to regulate gun ownership in order to reduce the number of gun deaths arising from terrorist acts and gun violence; hence, eradicating the gun violence culture in the country (Robinson, Gould, " Lee).

Current Gun Laws are Ineffective

Stricter gun control laws should also be established because Current Gun Laws are ineffective. Although there exists many firearm regulation laws such as those on minimum age, firearm storage, and background checks these laws are clearly not functional; hence, ineffective Kopel 2). This is because most of the primary perpetrators of gun related homicides and mass shootings are drug users, criminals, teenagers, as well as unstable people with different mental problems all who are ineligible to bear firearms but still acquire them illegally, such as in the case of recent school mass shootings were teenagers are the main perpetrators. Moreover, the current gun laws are also ineffective as most state do not require a background check to be conducted for people purchasing specific types of firearms among them the handgun, shotgun, and rifles which are often purchased from gun shows, private sellers, as well as over the bank fence. As a result, research indicates that approximately 35% of gun acquisitions, background checks are not conducted, this loophole is considered as one of the most dangerous gap thus, in the America federal gun laws (Kopel, 3). In addition, due to ineffective gun storage laws thousands of guns are stolen annually while others end up in the teenagers’ hands due to poor storage by their parents. Given these facts, it is therefore crucial or rather critical for stricter nationwide gun regulation laws; such as stricter and compulsory psychiatric evaluations, background checks, and storage laws to be established for all individuals; thus regardless the type of firearms being purchased as it will automatically prevent individuals with criminal backgrounds, teenagers, drug users as well as people with mental illnesses from accessing firearms.

Reducing the Negative Psychological Implications of Gun Violence

Increased ownership of guns by civilians in America has also had negative cultural implication such as the emergence of a pervasive culture of not only violence but also fear in most US states such as in the case of Chicago where poverty, racial friction, high unemployment levels, as well as unregulated ownership of firearms create a very toxic mix. This has in, turn, raised major concerns among politicians, policy makers, researchers, and the general public on the psychological implications associated with such violence on both the victims and child development. Concerning this, research indicates that exposure of individuals to gun violence such as in the case of mass shootings results in not only psychological but also mental disorders among them post traumatic disorder (PTSD), depression, eating disorders, as well as depression. In addition, exposure to violence also leads to inability to concentrate, distressing memories as well as extreme cases of hyper-arousal (Collins " Swoveland).

Moreover, in accordance according to the Child Welfare League of America’s (CWLA) National publication, children inclusive of  teenagers exposed to instances of what can be termed as chronic trauma due to gun violence tend to experience inhibited brain development which, in, turn, has lasting effects; thus, in their life outcomes (Collins " Swoveland). Furthermore, children exposed to prolonged gun violence also experience not only emotional overload but also numerous skill deficiencies, consequently, they are more likely to engage in both violence and aggressive acts primarily due to lack of adequate nonviolent-conflict resolution related skills. Another psychological effect of gun violence on children is the fact that most children exposed are also more likely to mimic the behavior of the perpetrators since they interpret such behaviors as both acceptable and appropriate; hence, resulting in the vicious cycle of gun-related violence (Collins " Swoveland). Therefore, to eradicate the cycle of gun violence perpetrated by young adults as well as eliminate some of the psychological problems resulting from gun violence, it is essential to establish strict gun control measures.

Too many Civilian Owned Firearms

Another argument supporting gun control is the fact that there are too many guns owned by the American citizens. As discussed above, American citizens own about 300 million firearms, as a result, more than 40% of the households own at least one firearm, research by the Pew Research Centre also indicates that approximately 69% and 29% of this population owns at least two and more than five guns respectively (Igielnik " Brown). Such statistics to a great extent indicate that Americans indeed own too many guns that are rarely used; thus for protection.

Opponents Arguments against Gun Control and Counterarguments  

Economic Implications

Perhaps one of the major arguments against gun control by its opponents, with the National Rifle Association (NRA) being in the front line is the fact that it would ultimately have negative impacts of the US economy. This is because the firearm industry is a million dollar industry that generates revenue for the country due to the sale of firearms and ammunitions. According to research studies the gun industry produces more than 10.8 million guns and ammunitions thereby, generating up to 13.5 billion in revenue, with a $1.5 billion profit annually (Popken). One way in which the gun manufacturing industry benefits the US economy is by creating employment opportunity for more than 200,000 American citizens, moreover, it also contributes significantly to the economy through taxes (Popken). According to research, in 2017 for example, the firearms and ammunition industry generated approximately $ 6.78 billion in employee taxes and more than $ 51.41 billion, thus in total economic activity in the country (The Firearm Industry Trade Association). Further the opponents of gun control also argue that the broader economic impact of the firearm manufacturing industry flows throughout the US economy primarily by generating business that are to a great extent unrelated to firearms, such as in the case of security companies that rely on guns. The opponents therefore argue that gun control will ultimately affects the country’s economy since many people will be unable buy firearms resulting in loss of employment as well as taxes (The Firearm Industry Trade Association).

Counterargument-While it’s true that the establishment of stricter gun control laws will have negative economic implication on the US economy, the economic implications of unregulated firearm ownership are to a great extent far worse, therefore, despite loss of taxes associated with the firearm and ammunition industry, gun control will help in saving many costs associated with unregulated firearm ownership (Lippmann). Some of the costs associated with unregulated gun ownership include finances spent on rehabilitation, hospitals, nursing home facilities, and trauma centers all which in most cases are flooded with massive numbers of victims of gun violence. An article by the National Center for Biotechnology Information points out that such costs extend beyond emergency due to chronic dysfunction as well as long-term disability cases. In most cases such as medical expenses are enormous for uninsured patients to afford, consequently, most of them are covered by the US government which has dire consequences on the American taxpayers (Lippmann). Generally, financial costs of medical care and emergency services for gun violence victims amounts to about $ 4 billion annually which exceeds up to more than $ 100 billion annually when medical follow up, long-term care are considered including other related expenses such as those incurred in court prosecutions, incarceration, police work, social services, among other legal involvements such as appeals, all of which are borne by the taxpayers (Lippmann). In addition the US economy is also negatively impacted by loss of productivity due to mass incarceration, physical dysfunction, and death of young and productive individuals. Given these facts, it is therefore clear that regulation of gun ownership or rather gun ownership is the better solution.

Lack of Protection

Another major argument against guns control by its opponents is that such laws will make it hard for most American citizens to purchase as well as possess firearms due to strict background checks which to a great extent undermines their own personal safety in the face of adversaries or in the event of danger. The National Rifle Association also argues that gun control laws will also compromise people’s ability to protect themselves from a dictatorial government as a right stipulated in the 2nd

constitutional amendment; hence, gun control is an infringement of people’s constitutional rights. In support of their argument about owing a gun for protection opponents of gun control point out to research studies which indicate that about 61% of people own guns for protection purposes.


While it’s true that protection is the main reason behind gun ownership, however, in the face of adversaries, only a few individuals actually use their firearms to defend themselves, their families, or even property. This assertion is highly supported by a survey conducted by the National Crime Victimization Survey which found out that approximately 99% of gun owners despite owing several firearms fail to use them to defend themselves; hence, only 1% use their gun in the face of adversaries (Rebecca). This therefore renders the ownership of firearms; particularly more than one gun meaningless.

Guns are not the Problem People are!

Another major argument against gun control is that guns are not the problem rather people are the problem. Therefore, guns are not the reason why gun violence and mass shootings are on the rise rather they are cause by other underlying problems such as mental health problems, people’s deviant behavior, life experiences, beliefs, and personal background.

Counterargument- Although there exists a large number of factors that promote gun violence or rather can be attributed with gun violence, mass shooting, and terrorism, lack of strict gun laws provides weapons of opportunity that require less effort and results in great destruction. Therefore, guns are the major problem, this is further exhibited by countries with strict guns laws such as Canada and Germany, in relation to this, research indicates that America records approximately 5 and 16 times more gun-related violence when compared to Canada and Germany respectively. In addition America records 5-30 times higher when it comes to mass shooting murders as compared to global developing nations (Rebecca).


In conclusion given the devastating effects of unregulated gun ownership which include rise in mass shootings, gun violence inclusive of the negative psychological implications it has on victims of such violence, it is essential for stricter gun laws to be established in order to preserve other human rights such as right to life. Moreover, although the proponents of gun ownership argue that such laws will ultimately result in lack of protection and economic downtown, research indicates that only a few people use firearms to protect themselves, furthermore, unregulated gun ownership ultimately results in a far worse economic state. In light of the arguments presented in the paper, it is therefore clear that the US should adopt stricter gun laws in order to avoid these weapons from falling into the wrong hands; which tends to have devastating effects thereby, preserving life.


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