The tremendous change in technology has significantly transformed the way businesses activities are conducted across the world through enhancing marketing and selling practices. Over the recent period, advancement in technology has increased e-commerce since it allows manufacturers to access customers from a different dynamic of the world (Shin and Lee 2015, p. 37). With the fact that most of the youthful population, including university students are the prime users of digital communication, most businesses are currently shifting from traditional to digital marketing activities in order to achieve or maintain competitiveness. The behaviour of online and marketing have become an emerging research which is resulting to the increasing number of publications by scholars every year. Korea is one of the successful and innovative nations in the apparel and cosmetic industry. For instance, its fashion sector has undergone seismic shift associated with consistent development in technology. Adoption of disruptive technology such as mobile internet, advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and more is accelerating hence creating a great impact on the fashion industry (Shin and Lee 2015, p. 43). Embracing an appropriate research methodology will inherently aid in the collection of accurate information regarding how e-marketing mix 4p influence consumer behaviour among Hong Kong female undergraduates in purchasing online Korean fashion. Hence, this section provides a comprehensive description of the design, philosophy, data collection and analysis, and more which are discussed as follows:
Research Strategy
Because the study aims at identifying behaviour patterns, personal opinions, and views, qualitative approach will be the most suited for this research. There are various advantages associated with a qualitative approach which will inherently increase effectiveness and efficiency in the collection, analysis, and presentation of data (Pawson 2014, p. 586). The first reason for its use is because of flexibility (Fletcher 2016, p. 182). Secondly, the qualitative approach provides a detailed and rich picture to build on female undergraduate students, including their feelings about Korean fashion (Staines and Barber 2015, p. 69). To increase the effectiveness of the qualitative method, the literature review will be equally used in the development of the findings as this will allow comparison of the collected information and already existing data.
Research Philosophy
Aligning research objectives with the methodology will require the application of appropriate philosophy to enhance collaboration between participants and the researcher. Since the aim of the study is to examine the use of the e-marketing mix 4P to analyse the most important factor determining Hong Kong female undergraduates to purchase online Korean fashion, interpretivism assumptions will be utilised (Goldkuhl 2012, p. 135). The fact that this approach apposes positivism of natural science, it will be simple to gather data from participants using online platforms. Adoption of this philosophy will significantly help in future studies because scholars will use the findings to contribute further on the topic.
Research Design
As earlier stated, research methodology will be developed based on qualitative approach. The primary participants in the research will be female undergraduates in Hong Kong, where approximately 100 people will participate in the research (Howie and Bagnall 2016, p. 403). Because female graduates are the target population, it is evident that they hold enough knowledge on issues such as potential benefits of the product, most important metrics that are considered in determining price, actions that can build customer relationships, and whether online promotion methods of Korean fashion is better than other promotion methods (Fletcher 2016, p. 192). However, targeting other parties such as marketing specialists and businesses may offer general which could lack credibility concerning demand patterns among female graduates (Trafimow 2013, p. 18). Currently, the Korean fashion sector caters for women’s wants through providing various brands from urban and cute tomboyish to romantic styles. These developments are also associated with refined materials, sophisticated workmanship, and fashion-forward designs that basically aligns with ever-changing customer needs (Pawson 2014, p. 585). Hence, only Hong Kong female undergraduates will be requested to respond to the online questionnaire to enhance accuracy and credibility of information.
Sampling Technique
Identification, approaching, and recruiting participants in the study may face various challenges; however, this will be overcome by ensuring the right people are selected from the public. First and foremost, I will identify the participants by selecting contacts from my phone for female undergraduates studying in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, there are possibilities that my contacts alone could not provide the maximum number of participants required hence such a situation will be handled through requesting for reference from the few friends (Goldkuhl 2012, p. 135). Upon getting many phones and email address, I will perform snowball sampling to select some of the friends to spread questionnaires to their allies, specifically female undergraduates. Any female undergraduate studying in Hong Kong who either purchases online Korean fashion or not will be evaluated to provide their opinion concerning such trends.
Secondly, I will approach the selected participants through emails, WhatsApp, and Facebook. Before sending them questionnaires I will call them to explain the intent of research as well as seek their consent. For those that will agree to participate in the study, I will explain research objectives and its significance to different stakeholders (Howie and Bagnall 2016, p. 407). Above all, I will explain to participants about measures put in place to enhance confidentiality and anonymity. Moreover, I will clarify that participation is voluntary as everyone will be offered the opportunity to withdraw their consent at any time they may feel. Thereafter, I will send the questionnaire through either of the three options, email, Facebook, and Whatsapp depending on the preference of the participant. Also, I will recruit participants based on the relationship that exists.
Methods of Data Collection
Fundamentally, I will employ questionnaires in collecting data from undergraduate students. The research targets nearly 100 female undergraduate students; hence, a structured and semi-structured questionnaire will be sent through either of the methods delineated above (Clerehan, Guillemin, Epstein and Buchbinder 2016, p. 335). The research will utilise online platforms through sending questionnaires to participants in Hong Kong (Rowley 2014, p. 321). Since the study will focus on examining the application of e-marketing 4p to analyse the most important factor determining Hong Kong female undergraduates to purchase online Korean fashion, this will be based in China which is the home of the researcher (Rowley 2014, p. 309). To avoid challenges associated with cultural and language aspects, I will interpret the English language into Chinese (Clerehan et al. 2016, p. 338). The entire process of filling questionnaires will be completed within three days; thereafter, respondents will be requested to return them for analysis and presentation. Also, there are various benefits associated with the use of questionnaires. Some of the benefits include but not limited to being cost-efficient, scalable, enhance confidentiality and anonymity, and enhance the collection of speedy results (Goldkuhl 2012, p. 137). For instance, use of questionnaires is economical because there is no need for visiting each respondent personally.
Techniques for Analysing Data and Presentation
Developing appropriate strategy will significantly help to convert vast amount of information collected from questionnaires into findings. Because this is a descriptive research, I will employ thematic analysis because this approach will promote the generation of appropriate answers for the research problem (Javadi and Zarea 2016, p. 3). Thematic analysis is the best approach for the study because of the qualitative approach, and this will enhance pin-pointing, examination, and recording of patterns in purchasing behaviour among Hong Kong female undergraduate students when purchasing online Korean fashion. Through the method, different patterns of meaning across a dataset will be identified, and this will ultimately provide answers to research questions. Various patterns will be identified through a comprehensive process, including familiarisation with information, coding, theme development, and review (Javadi and Zarea 2016, p. 5). Fundamentally, this approach is that it is theoretically flexible, implying that it will be utilised alongside different, hence allowing it to answer different research questions. Also, this is the best method because it suits questions associated with individual’s experiences, views, and perceptions (Trafimow 2013, p. 15). However, thematic analysis technique lacks extensive literature review; therefore, coherence and consistency will be improved by creating an epistemological position to minimise the influence of empirical assumptions (Hydock 2017, p. 6). Upon completion of the analysis, findings will be presented in form of tables, charts, and graphs to enhance understanding. These tools are basically selected because they allow presentation of summarised data which is simple to use.
Consideration of Ethical Issues in the Study
Morality plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate information is collected from respondents as well as helps in eliminating biasness in the analysis and interpretation of data. Consideration of ethical imperatives will govern my expectation and respondents behaviour (Thakker and Read 2010, p. 67). Additionally, research ethics will promote aims of the study, including expanding knowledge, support values required for collaborative work, increases the degree of accountability, and promotes public trust about the findings (Roberts 2015, p. 314). Some of the most important issues to be accorded high priority include informed consent, respect for anonymity and confidentiality, privacy, honesty and respect for intellectual property rights. In regards to informed consent, I will ensure all the participants voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligibly participates in the research. The principle will allow students to have a self-determination on whether they will participate in the research or not according to their personal plan. Through providing explaining about the intent of the study, including the application of the findings, it is evident that assaults on participant’s integrity and personal liberty and veracity will be protected. To achieve this, female undergraduate students will be informed about potential risks and benefits associated with the research before requesting them to participate.
The principle of confidentiality will be given high priority, and this will be achieved through respecting information provided in confidence. I will develop guidelines that will be followed to protect confidential and sensitive information from the participants (Thakker and Read 2010, p. 67). Anonymity will be protected through ensuring subject identities cannot be linked with personal responses. Participants will be informed about their rights to give and withhold as much data as they wish. In developing communication strategy in addressing anonymity and confidentiality (Roberts 2015, p. 317). I will consider all psychological and social implication that a breach of either may have on participants. In regards to privacy, I will offer the opportunity for the participants to determine time, extent, and overall circumstances under which they will fill questionnaires. All possible measures will be taken to ensure shared information are not shared with unauthorised parties (Roberts 2015, p. 325). Adoption of the principle of honesty and integrity will ensure accurate findings are provided rather than over-exaggerating data to mislead users. Lastly, but not least, complying with the principle of respect for intellectual property will be achieved through honouring patents and copyrights by avoiding the use of unpublished data, results, and methods without authority as well as giving credit for all contributions in the research.
Validity and Reliability of the Study
In this context, validity refers to the appropriateness of the processes, tools, and information. First and foremost, validity is guaranteed in the research of the use of a qualitative approach that will enhance the formulation of apt solutions based on the research questions (Ali and Yusof 2011, p. 25). Other measures that will be epitomised to enhance validity include applying appropriate analysis tools and establishing a range of values. On the other hand, reliability refers to exact replicability of the research processes and results, hence this will be achieved through enhancing consistency of information collected and study questions (Noble and Smith 2015, p. 34). For instance, I will utilise tables, include deviant case, and further perform data comparison. Also, reliability will be evaluated through respondent validation and exploring inter-rater reliability by getting different researchers to interpret the results.
By adhering to all premises discussed in the research methodology will essentially increase efficiency in collecting, analysing, and presenting the results. Every element has an equal value for the study, starting from philosophy to validity and reliability. Being a qualitative study, the possibilities of collecting appropriate information from respondents are very high hence increasing chances of success. Accuracy and truthfulness of the findings directly depend on the appropriateness of the research method; therefore, having considered this in the collection, analysis, and presentation of the findings, it is quite evident that overall objectives of the project will be accomplished.
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