Application of Statistics in Everyday Life

Statistics is the mathematical science involving equations that are used to solve and analyze daily activities in the world around us.  Today, we have great knowledge of the world around us, and this information was collected mathematically through statistics (DeGroot " Schervish, 2012). We can use statistics to tell what happened in the past, as well as what will take place in the future. Thus, statistics apply to our everyday activities, for instance, in the last week, I used statistics in different ways in my life including:

Question 1

I wrote down my diet, weight, and exercise every day, and I look whether things are working out statistically. According to statistics, my body changes when I continue to control the three parameters. I observed that when I combine extreme body exercise with extreme diet control, I get less happy and sleepier.

Also, I use statistics at home to decide which task to handle first if I have a couple of tasks to do. I decide which task to tackle based on the time remaining, complexity and the volume of the task.

Also, I used statistics last week; I had to catch the bus before I was late. Thus, I applied statistics to approximate the speed I had to walk with, to ensure I reached the bus station on time.

Question 2

The mode is the most occurring score, or the most popular option in a set a set of data. The mode is applied to categorical data when we want to know which the most common category is.  The advantage of mode over mean and median is that it can be found for both categorical (non-numerical) and numerical data.

It is good to use median over mean when the data is skewed because the median is less affected by outliers and skewed data. Median is the preferred measure of central tendency when dealing with a distribution that is not symmetrical (Gumbel, 2012).

Question 3

We should learn about graphs and how to interpret them because they make data analysis to be simpler. When notes are put into graphs, they suddenly start to make sense, graph helps us to understand data quickly. Whether you want to show a relationship, make a comparison, or highlight a trend, a graph is the best mode of doing it, the audience can easily see what is being discussed.

One might want to use a bar graph, histogram, scatter plot, or box plot to display data in business while trying to explain a detailed project to the organization’s board. Large data, such as 50 pages, can be explained in a single graph contained in 1 page (Cattell, 2012). The graph will be easier to explain, interpret and understand. Also, it will help save time for everyone.

Distribution charts are helpful while trying to understand outliers, the range of information and normal tendency in your values. There are relationship charts that are used to show how one variable relates to one or more different variables (Samuels Witmer " Schaffner, 2012). 

Question 4

MindTap is among the few rare publisher tools that offer a complete package such as the customized quizzes, e-textbooks, and study tools. One disadvantage with MindTap is that it requires a student t0o create a separate different account and a platform when they want to integrate it into their learning management system. To use MindTap with LMS, it is good to ask for training from a technical integration specialist.


Cattell, R. (Ed.). (2012). the scientific use of factor analysis in behavioral and life sciences. Springer Science " Business Media.

DeGroot, M. H., " Schervish, M. J. (2012). Probability and statistics. Pearson Education.

Gumbel, E. J. (2012). Statistics of extremes. Courier Corporation.

Samuels, M. L., Witmer, J. A., " Schaffner, A. A. (2012). Statistics for the life sciences. London: Pearson education.

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