An Infographic on Nutrition

An Infographic of a blogging meal plan (Keith, 1)

An infographic is a representation of information in a graphic format with the aim of making data understandable at a glance. Infographics are used when information needs to be communicated and understood easily. Also when large amounts of information need to be taught and when one wants to observe changes in data patterns.

The above infographic is good because the information in the infographic is relating to a particular theme hence making it easy for the comprehension of the subject. The infographic is aesthetically pleasing because the pictures put in the design are pleasant. Thus, it is more likely to understand the content. The model works well with the information because first, the background color chosen for the infographic suits the intended information. Also, the pictures put in the graphic provide additional details of the content hence they rhyme. The infographic is easy to read and understand since the material is well arranged and stipulated showing what to eat on what day.

Work Cited


Keith, Travis. "9 Infographic Design Examples That Will Leave You Inspired". Column Five, 2018,

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