A Proposal for a Methodological Approach to Recidivism Prevention

Recidivism is the propensity for someone to commit crimes again after spending time in jail or a correctional facility. Juvenile recidivism must be prevented, which necessitates a thorough knowledge of the factors that contribute to it and the difficulties that young people encounter after being released from custody. (Aos, & Drake, 2013). This essay examines a flimsy methodological strategy for reducing recidivism. In particular, the prevention of juvenile offenders from graduating and becoming adults, which is why sentencing and acting in judicial systems to determine how sentencing would be efficient and conducive. Therefore, the strategy is to look at different reviews of the literature on recidivism, identify the main causes and obstacles that contribute to it, and then give the suggested intervention strategies. The major causes of recidivism according to Baldry and Winkel (2008) are referred to as risk factors, which encompass the individual, family, peer influence, environmental and school. First, the individual risk factors noted by Crawford, & Evans (2016) comprise the effects of hyperactivity, various aspects of mental illnesses, individuals’ emotional behaviors, victimization, and cognitive disorders not limited to exposure to violence, aggression, and antisocial behaviors.

Second, the family factor on the other hand, according to In Caneppele, In Calderoni, and Savona (2014) concerns the youth’s interaction and association with the family. For example, the family members are significant in influencing the behavior and attitude of the youth. The family in which the youth grows in is the first institution responsible for providing protection; care and training of the youth, which translates in character and personality, shape up. Hence, the youth’s family is significant as both risk factor and a protective factor.

The third is the peer pressure. Many youths as reported by In Weisburd, Farrington, and In Gill, (2016) tend to be identified with some social status hence associate with a given group of people. Such associations, thus, introduce the youth into early use of drugs and drug abuse, which generally have the effective of impairing their judgment hence they often make wrong decisions leading to acts of crime.

Fourth is the school. Performance at school, relations with fellow students and teachers contributes to the youth’s participation in criminal activities both directly and indirectly (Kury, Redo, & Shea, 2016). For example, excellence in academics encourages the student to go on with education while poor performance discourages the student and might quit school at some point and prefer easier ways. Bullying, school, and punishments influence the student negatively where they develop a bad attitude for school and in the event that parents are not understanding, they get to the street life.

The fifth factor regards the environment in which the youth grows up. For example, criminal activities among the youth are common in environments where children and the youth are exposed to criminal acts. Additionally, youths who grow up in areas with lesser or no job opportunities get into criminal activities not because they like but have no option but to survive through engaging in criminal acts (Laws, Hudson, & Ward, 2000).


The prevention of recidivism according to Steven (2014) should focus on three main levels of delinquency that is the primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary prevention should be directed at the population by modifying and changing the conditions leading to the crime through using corrective and punitive prevention measures. The secondary measure should focus on specific at-risk youth by aiming to change the behavior of the youths likely to get into criminal acts. The tertiary level should aim at curbing and being at par with reducing recidivism by concentrating on the offending youths.

In line with the three levels of prevention approaches, it is a recommendation that policies that observe the current developments in preventing recidivism be involved. These are through observing the court systems and correctional facilities, and applying the suggest six major prevention measures including incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, community restraints, structure, discipline and challenge redress and combination of rehabilitation and restraint, which the authorities, agencies, and institutions should consider (Wanberg, & Milkman, 2006).


Aos, S., & Drake, E. (2013). Prison, police and programs: Evidence-based options that reduce crime and save money. Olympia, WA: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.

Baldry, A. C., & Winkel, F. W. (2008). Intimate partner violence prevention and intervention: The risk assessment and management approach. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Crawford, T. A. M., & Evans, K. (2016). Crime prevention and community safety.

In Caneppele, S., In Calderoni, F., & Savona, E. U. (2014). Organized crime, corruption and crime prevention: Essays in honor of Ernesto U. Savona.

In Weisburd, D., Farrington, D. P., & In Gill, C. (2016). What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews.

Kury, H., Redo, S., & Shea, E. (2016). Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations (Volume 2).

Laws, D. R., Hudson, S. M., & Ward, T. (2000). Remaking relapse prevention with sex offenders: A sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage.

Steven P. Lab. (2014). Crime Prevention: Approaches, practices, and evaluations. Anderson.

Wanberg, K. W., & Milkman, H. B. (2006). Criminal conduct and substance abuse treatment: Strategies for self-improvement and change : pathways to responsible living : the participant's workbook. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

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