A Comparison of Two Chocolate Company’s Websites

A website’s outlook is key to its productivity and customer gain. An organization should pay close attention to the product they are circulating, their customers, the font to use and color. The product and consumers will highly determine the colors to use on the merchandise and on the website. Language is also very important because it will help in either increasing the sales or otherwise and eventually determine the sales pattern.  In any website, the navigation process should be easy and short. This helps in saving customers’ time and at the same time, making accessibility easier hence increasing the chances of getting customers. Below is a close analysis of two chocolate company’s websites: Godiva and Hershey’s chocolates.

            The outlook of the pages is quite distinct at all levels. Hershey’s chocolate has all the company’s information on the first page where a client can click on any picture and get more information on the item highlighted. The pictures outline and shows the company’s products and services not forgetting it’s background, goals and objectives. Some clients are keen in terms of the companies they buy products from and they prefer to know the background of a company and after the company has gained their trust, then they can do business with them.  All the information given by Hershey’s company is relevant and may end up earning the company more customers, especially, those customers that prefer a company’s closure. On the other hand, Godiva is a more product oriented company that focuses on its product delivery and outlook in general. This approach favors some clients who are interested with the exact product and service rather than a lot of literature about the company.

            Taking a closer look at the font and packaging, the two companies tend to have a lot in common. The fonts are of good sizes that enable navigators to interact with the pages easily. Since they are chocolate companies, most of the clients will be women or men who want to buy their women gifts. By nature, women are more colorful than men and so the color of their products differ. Hershey tends to play around with a variety of colors even though it is a chocolate company which makes their site quite colorful. The packaging of the products is quite distinct. Hershey’s company settles for “less is much” and they keep it simple while Godiva company is out loud in the packaging. In their site, Godiva offer ‘gifts ‘options where the company packages the chocolates depending on the customers’ choice of color and wrappings which comes in different shapes and designs which makes the company stand out.

            Lastly, navigation in any website is vital in marketing and selling of any product and service on offer. The two companies have different style and design in their pages which end up having different reception. Godiva is quite organized and makes it easier for a client to explore and access a product. For instance, they have a variety of chocolates: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and assorted chocolate and under any type of chocolates, there are variety of flavors and the price is tagged under every item on offer. Hershey’s company on the other hand is well elaborated but difficult to navigate as compared to Godiva. Hershey’s prices are not as eloquent and pronounced as Godiva. Godiva also offers shipping services which enlarges their market oversees. The two offer exquisite services and their products are exceptional and consumer based. The preference of company and products is entirely dependent on the consumer’s taste.

Works cited

Godiva. Godiva. coffee and cocoa .2018, Godiva Chocolate Company, www.godiva.com/collections. Accessed 6 March 2018.

The Hershey Company. Hersheys. 2018, Hershey Chocolate Company, www.hersheys.com/en_us/products.html. Accessed, 6 March 2018.

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