A Blessing in Disguise

The Ambiance

The ambiance was strangely dry and lifeless. All of the light had already been consumed and melted away as the darkness already drizzled into the open heavens. The never-ending abyss that seemed to torture those who happened to be outside of their huts, like Mutuku, engulfed the entire community. His thoughts briefly wandered as he tried to recall what the elders had always foretold would happen on such a night, especially if there was any sense of expectation. A sudden scream from his pregnant wife jolted Mutuku back to consciousness, and he immediately leapt with joy because today was the day that would officially advance him into parenthood. Nevertheless, little did Mutuku know that the same night would turn his life for the worse, at least for some hours.

The Twins

Midwives would be heard shouting ‘push…push,’ and about twenty minutes later, ululations, long ones for that matter, were heard. Mutuku’s heart leaped with joy, and he is impatiently waiting for the ladies to shout the fifth and the last ululation to confirm the gender. As fast as lightning, the fourth ululation was cut short as a second cry was heard. Alas! Distraught, Mutuku was now on pins and needles as he outrightly sensed trouble. As fast as they could, all the midwives rushed out each heading to their houses. The worst had just happened. His wife had delivered twins, a boy, and a girl, and as was the customer, such a delivery was a taboo, and one of the children had to be killed by the elders.

A Desperate Escape

Without much ado, Mutuku had to think fast. He could not afford to lose his first-born babies to such a backward and outdated customer. In haste, he rushed in the hut where his wife and the two babies lay helplessly, wrapped each in the blankets placed nearby, and like a superman lifted them to his cart and off they disappeared into the thick darkness that reeked emptiness and melancholy. After riding for several hours, Mutuku had to make a stop as the babies who were silent all this time started crying while his wife started shivering due to cold and hunger. Quickly, he lit a fire and the four of them cuddled to keep warm.

Hiding in the Cave

In such a small village, news spread faster like wildfire, and before Mutuku knew it, he heard men shouting from afar calling him to surrender the babies or be banished from the village. Fats as he could, he placed the wife back in the cart and took off. Luckily, he came to a cave that could fit even the cart, and silently hid there to escape the fury of the villages. His wife had to breastfeed the babies even though the breasts were as dry as a bone. By good fortune, the babies did not cry as the angry villages went past them and back.

A New Start

Silently praying in his heart throughout, the dawn was had finally arrived, and as the birds chirped excitedly looking for food, Mutuku embarked on his escape. After walking for about an hour, he finally reached the tarmac road. Courageously, Mutuku ask for a free ride which he luckily got, and while in the bus headed to nowhere, a concerned passenger was curious to know what happened, and after narrating his ordeal, the man took him to his house and later rented him an apartment and gave him employment.

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