Why Public Schools Are Better Than Private Schools

In today’s world, education plays an essential role in shaping and developing unique perspectives for all individuals in society. Over the years, the idea of parents choosing schools for their children has turned out to be stimulating. However, with thorough research and many available school advisors offering help, these processes have substantially become easy. When parents choose schools for their children, they are often considering some various factors. Among the factors include; cultural or religious background of the school, its philosophical beliefs as well as a specific peer group. These factors are considered to play an essential role in laying a foundation of the child’s life. Generally, parents do these with good intentions of giving their children the best education, and regardless of which school a child may go, parents should understand that all the educators do their best in creating a propitious learning environment possible for their students. In many countries, private schools are considered to be expensive, and their classes are not overcrowded as it is the case with most public schools. On the contrary, most people believe public schools outperform private schools. The following article analyzes why public schools are better than private schools.

In Public schools there is a better sense of community, the fact that a majority of public schools have been there for a longer time enable them to serve as the heart of the community. In addition to teaching children, they also offer additional activities such as sporting events, adult class, local seminars, public swimming pools, and even academic clubs which offer the students a sense of belonging.  Such undertakings are rarely witnessed in most privatized schools given that most are fledgling start-ups and as a result, they are located in rented spaces which are cost effective to the investors.

 Additionally, public schools offer greater student diversity which enable individual students to learn how to deal with different kind of people. Besides, public schools provide an opportunity for the student to interact with individuals from various ethnic, racial, sexual and religious backgrounds. This diverse environment offers the students a chance to grow into more varied and interactive individuals.  On the other hand, privatized schools are entirely based on a sorting system that isolates students based on their ability to afford tuition or personalized preferences.

 Generally, public schools are more financially responsible and transparent, mainly because spending decisions are open to the public domain for discussion and decision making. Most public schools financial records are open to the public, and all the expenditure is mostly in relation to the children’s education as provided by the law. For the Privatized schools, the sole purpose is to earn a profit for the investors.  As a result, their financial planning is aimed at minimizing cost to obtain the profit and in most cases their financial planning undertaking are done privately.

Moreover, public schools offer a broader range of amenities; this is mainly attributed to the fact that they get governments funding, receive donations from well-wishers and have broader community support. Special education programs are availed in these institutions with an aim to accommodate students from all walks of life. In the case of private schools, supplies are fully bought by the parents thus limiting the programs the schools offer.

In conclusion, it is important to note that attending a public school over private school saves money because public schools are free with no tuition fee required. Additionally, as many families today seek other education options, public school remain to serve a significant role in preparing the students for the future. For this reasons, it is perceived that public schools are better than private schools.

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