I choose to stay healthy because it is the key to a better mental health. A sound mind facilitates innovativeness and advancement in technology. A healthy mind will enable me to find solutions to the problems faced by the society. Besides, I will be able to design solutions to my own problems. Better mental health will help me assist people through sound advice and motivational talks. Moreover, I choose to stay healthy because I will be able to keep me away from lifestyle illnesses such diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory sicknesses. Staying healthy will enable me to not only thrive but survive. I choose to stay healthy because I would not like to have limited body functionality due to diseases or infections. Research has shown that the lifespan of a human being can be prolonged by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The lifestyle diseases lower the productivity of an individual and are usually a limitation to the body's potential. Additionally, I choose to stay healthy because I will feel empowered and confident. Energetic body is an encouragement since it is possible to perform numerous activities that contribute towards development. It can be either personal or communal development with aims at improving the lives of individuals. A healthy body will give me the confidence required to undertake challenging tasks. The energetic body will help me carry out my studies, do research, and perform tasks allocated in the workplace. Also, I choose to stay healthy because I would like to have a better reproductive health. A healthy lifestyle guarantees fewer problems in establishing a family and having children. I will be able to avoid complications/diseases related to the reproductive system through staying healthy.
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