What is Success?


Most people work hard in their entire lives to attain success. That may mean achieving life's ambitions, acquiring education, making money, or taking good care of their families. One interesting fact about success is that it means something different to each person. Due to varying perceptions, attributes assigned to success can be faulty (Naylor, 2017). As such, it is common to hear persons admit that people whom they thought were hugely successful turn out to be rather miserable. Thus, to achieve success, one requires hard work, smart work, and a balanced life.

Success and Its Trade-Offs

More often than not, one can be successful in one part of life and fail despondently in the other. It is common to find individuals who have a lot of money and property and are afraid to associate with other persons because they think that they will lose their fortunes in the process. Even though the persons are successful in making money, they end up secluding themselves from social lives thus living a boring life.

Establishing Goals and Realizing Them

Success is about establishing goals and realizing them. Such goals include making profits, losing weight, attaining higher levels of education, and living a healthy life. To achieve such goals, an individual requires hard work, strength of the body, effective decisions, and dedication. Moreover, right attitudes, ability to prioritize goals, and self-discipline are indispensable. Many persons struggle to achieve their life goals. Others give up when they fail the first time. A large number of persons are unwilling or unable to engage in hard work to experience success. It is no doubt that, the more hardworking a person is, the luckier and the more successful he/she gets.

The Importance of Smart Work

Persons who are hardworking not only enjoy their jobs but are also consistently driven towards achieving their goals. However, hard work without smart work may result in failures and frustration. Some people waste their energy and time chasing wrong goals and achieving nothing. They end up getting frustrated and depressed. An intelligent working strategy, along with persistent effort, goes a long way in helping someone achieve the success that they always desire.

The Importance of Balancing Life

When looking for success, it is vital to focus on strengths rather than pursuing goals that are unrealistic and unnecessary. There are many facets of life that are vital for success. They include health, family, business, environment, community, spiritual, and friends. To be successful, one needs to balance each of the areas. It is apparent that not everyone will attain the same satisfaction from these areas thus explaining the reason why some people succeed in some areas while failing in others. However, it is vital to strive to live a well-balanced life. To be successful, one needs a healthy body, adequate resources, conducive environment, and healthy social relations. If one overworks, he/she may make a lot of money; however, social life may be adversely affected because of the limited time allocated to it. In the long run, one may end up damaging his overall well-being. Thus, to be successful, it is imperative to keep each of the components of life in harmony with each other.


In conclusion, there is no shortcut to success. Hard work, complemented with self-drive and a balanced life, is the only clear way of attaining success. However, success parameters vary from one person to another.


Naylor, R. (2017). First year student conceptions of success: What really matters? Student Success, 2(8), 9.

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