Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture was started in the twenty first century and it is doing very well in the urban centers of United States. The reason why the environmentalist started it is to maintain the food security and for other environmental benefits. Despite the positive impact on the environment urban gardening have side effects to the neighborhood of the large urban centers.


effects of the gardening which have become a barrier to the program include raising the living standard of the occupants. Philadelphia which happen to practice urban agriculture is a good example of a town which the economic effects have been felt. Due to the use of fertilizers and chemicals the atmospheric pressure is poisoned and the people develop chronic diseases which make them spend most of their income in health matters. Organic agriculture also pollutes the water sources and make people prone to diseases.

            The government

have also some barriers on the urban agriculture because it occupy more space which people could have used in other economic activities. The issues of soil erosion become a concern and the government try to control deforestation by setting strict rules.

            The social effect include the pollution of environment which result to airborne diseases which are deadly. The people who work in those garden may experience side effects of the chemicals increasing the death rate. The pesticides pollution is always on the atmospheric level and it reduce the level of oxygen threatening the lives of people.

 Urban district with more resistance and the reason

            The district where the efforts meet more resistant are urban centers which are highly populated. In cities where population is high there is likelihood that there are mixed classes of economic levels. Effect of the urban farming will be felt more because of over population. Example of such urban include; Boston, Chicago and Los Angles.

             Low populated urban areas are the best to carry out the urban agriculture because there will be less complain from government and the neighborhood. The effects of the agriculture will not be felt compared to populated cities.

Work Cited

Reganold, John P., and Jonathan M. Wachter. "Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century." Nature Plants 2.2 (2016): 15221.

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