Triangular Theory of Love

Social theory is an analytical framework used for the examination of social phenomena and interactions (Murphy, (2016). Therefore, the theory seeks to explain the behavior of people and societies that tend to initiate closeness. Gender, ethnicity, cultural power and social behavior are some of the primary elements that impact social ties (Murphy, (2016). However, in contemporary social theory, the themes on the nature of relationships between individuals and the society as well as social institutions and their role in social transformation, gender, class, and race are prevalent (Murphy, (2016). One of the apparent theories that define relationships is the triangular love theory which enlists the three primary components associated with intimate, committed and passionate relationships as well as a combination. Therefore, the paper seeks to highlight the core mechanisms that drive love relationships and how they impact outcomes for either a single element of a combination.

The Triangular Theory of Love

The theory was formulated and proposed by Robert Sternberg (Cherry, and Gans, (2016). In the theory, Robert suggests that there are three primary components of love. They include; Intimacy, passion, and commitment (Cherry, and Gans, (2016).

Intimacy is the peak of the triangle with commitment and passion making up the base-corner of the triangle. Considering each entity yields characteristic features of love. Liking is associated with intimacy. The trust, as well as closeness, features the kind of love stemming from the element. The kind of relationship from intimacy is friendship. Being friends has only a liking and togetherness without passion and commitment more so long-term devotion to a relationship.

Consequently, infatuation involves passion and is located on the left of the triangle. The component is characterized by both physical attractions as well as sexual feelings (Long-Crowel, (2018). Such a relationship occurs at the onset of ties (love at first sight). Contrary, the love lacks commitment and emotional nearness. However, if they develop with time but in case they fail, the relationship is short-lived. Such love is defined as a whirlwind or even summer flings (Long-Crowel, (2018).

Nonetheless, empty love is located on the right of the triangle. Such kind of love only features strong commitment that serves to maintain a relationship. Therefore, neither emotional closeness not intimacy manifests in the interaction (Long-Crowel, (2018). The kind of love is evident in marriage arrangements lacking intimacy and passion as well as a long existent relationship with deterioration in both intimacy and passion. Thus, infatuation, non-love, and liking are considered to be unstable as compared to love with a featural combination of two or more components (Long-Crowel, (2018).

However, the three elements can be combined to give different constituents of somehow stable love. For instance, combining passion and intimacy results in Romantic love whereas mixing up intimacy and commitment leads to compassionate love (Cherry, and Gans, (2016).

On the other hand, social psychology theory asserts that a human being is a social being. Therefore, nothing can be done by a human in solitary. Therefore, Sternberg went on to cite that relationships built on two or more elements are more enduring rather than one entity. Thus, intimacy, commitment, and passion are combined to yield consummate love (Long-Crowel, (2018). The love is described as being more resilient, but unfortunately, it rarely exists. The direct opposite of consummate love is non-love which embraces neither of the components mentioned by Steinberg (Cherry and Gans, (2016).


Cherry, K., " Gans, S. (2016). 5 Ways That Theories of Psychology Explain Love. Retrieved from

Long-Crowel, E. (2018, April 02). Retrieved December 09, 2018, from

Murphy, M. (2016). What is a social theory? Retrieved December 09, 2018, from

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