Thirty Seconds to Mars Concert in Manchester

I have never been a great fan of Thirty Seconds to Mars, so I have not attended any concerts so far. However, their latest album America changed my impression about the band completely. I did not want to risk going to a concert until recently, that is why I decided to watch a complete footage of their concert in Manchester that took place a couple of weeks ago. Having watched it, I decided to attend the show this summer, during the North American tour. So I bought the tickets right after I finished watching the video.

            What I have always liked about Jared Leto, is his charm and the way he behaves on the stage. Not only their music sounds decently, it is impressive how much effort is put to make a show of this caliber. What is even more stunning is that the singer performs almost all his songs live, and his voice sounds really inspiring. These and some other reasons contributed to the popularity of the band.

            Among other things that I liked was the fireworks show and the way Jared communicated with the public. Moreover, he invited some of his fans to come on the stage and sing several songs together (in addition to taking some photos). I wish I were among those definitely lucky people to get on one stage with this one-of-a-kind talent. The crowd was amazing and went completely crazy when Jared sang his most popular songs like Do or Die or Closer to the Edge. In addition, their latest hits like Walk on Water and Dangerous Night have set new top-chart records in many countries all over the globe. My personal top-loved song is Do or Die, which is arguably the best motivating song I have ever heard. Also, there was shot a touching musical video in which people share their experience and how music changed their lives. I believe this clip can make pretty much anyone burst into tears!

            Coming back to the concert I watched, it should be said that it was really energizing and I literally felt the emotions coming from the public even through the screen! I cannot even imagine what was really happening there, but I am looking forward to that experience myself. For this reason, I regret that I have not attended their concerts yet. Though, I do know that I will not regret my decision to visit their summer concert.

            In summation, I was amazed by the Thirty Seconds to Mars concert in Manchester. Unfortunately, I have not visited any of their concerts yet, so I decided to watch the video that made me regret my not attending the show. Jared Leto’s performance was top-notch. The sound, the fireworks show, and the crowd contributed to the amount of emotions I got. That is why I bought a ticket for the concert that will take place this summer, right when I finished watching the video. I would also recommend you listening their top-charted hits from the latest album America that was released less than a month ago. I am almost sure that you will also want to attend the concert, when you listen to the album or what their performance on a video.

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