The Rule of Experts in Plato's Republic

Plato’s Debate on the Rule of Experts in The Republic

Plato’s debate on the rule of experts in The Republic offers a glimpse into his perceptions of the benefits that rule by philosophers can have for the greater good. Applying these lessons to the modern world reveals that the development of a just and fair system would be the likely outcome.

Contrasting Philosophers and the Modern Political Arena

Primarily, the fact that philosophers dislike falsehood is a stark contrast to the modern political arena where deceit and injustice reign supreme. Moreover, the education of modern rulers would also have to include lessons on the Form of the Good, which would disqualify many current rulers from holding office. In this way, implementing Plato’s argument on the rule of experts would constitute a drastic change in the practice of ruling in the modern world since it is a stark contrast to the modern populist approach to governance.

Focusing on the Greater Good

Plato’s arguments focus on the greater good rather than on divisive politics that slow down social progress. As a result, the implementation of his suggestions in the modern world would be the best thing since it would assure people that their rulers have their best interests at heart.

Guiding Society Towards Truth

This would ensure that rulers use virtues instead of vices in their decision-making processes, helping to guide society to an age of truth in which task assignment prioritizes those best suited for it. Overall, I think this would be a good idea since it would weed out people who get into leadership for the wrong purposes while also helping to introduce rulers whose leadership stems from natural ability rather than cronyism.

Modern-World Implementation of Plato’s Ideas

Therefore, the modern-world implementation of Plato’s ideas on the rule of experts in The Republic would be the first step in creating a transcendental society that prioritizes the Good.

Works Cited

Yadav, Kripa Shankar. Plato's Republic. Radha Publications, 2015.

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