The Role of Women in the Armed Forces

The Role of Women in Armed Forces

The nature of warfare has undergone revolution over the years with the modern world emphasizing more on brilliance on the field rather than physical endowment. For a long time, women have been playing an active role in the armed forces not only in the US but also in other nations of the world. All position in the armed forces should be open for the best-qualified candidates regardless of the gender. Just like men, there are women who are capable of competing both physically and mentally, two aspects that determine the success of a military force in combat. An analysis of women involvement in successful combat reveals that they can motivate comrades just like Joan of Arc who led the French troop in fighting the British army (Quester 85-89). Policies banning or undermining the participation of women in combat should, therefore, be amended because women can professionally serve in the workforce to achieve the intended missions in warfare.

Equal Opportunities for Qualified Women

As long as women are qualified for the position that are applying for, the aspect of gender should be ignored. There are many women who are equally good as men that can be sent to combat. What matters most is the emphasis on good training standards to make women build their muscles and develop the necessary skills to conquer the enemies. Besides the physical strength, the battlefield is increasingly becoming complex with the introduction of new technologies that calls for effective calculations and good decision-making skills that can also be offered by women (Skaine 23-25). Although there is a generalization that women cannot manage their stress, the truth is that people have different abilities to control negative aspects of the personality.

Benefits of Women in the Military

Women are more effective than men in some instances requiring a pool of talents. There are sensitive and delicate jobs calling for strong interpersonal skills that might not be possessed by men in the military. A wider and richer personnel base gives room for soldiers to engage in diplomatic missions that are necessary to end conflicts when a need arises. Sexism has been criticized for a long time, and the best way to fight it would be to encourage more women to join the military force. Having more women is an assurance that there are higher chances of rising above the military ranks to take on senior positions. Giving women equal opportunities as men make them prepared for the exposure of combat associated risks which should not be used to deny qualified members a chance to serve in the military.


Conclusively, women should not be denied the chance of serving their countries regardless of the nature of work, provided they are qualified. Conducting tests to determine the best-qualified candidates should not have easier tests because of gender considering. Having these standards for recruitment is an assurance that the candidates to be selected will be the best fit even for combat. The support to have willing women be engaged in combat is guided by historical examples of women who played a significant role in the battles’ success. Sexist attitudes should, therefore, be addressed by being open on recruitment to prove that men are not superior in any way. Just like we have unfit men who cannot serve in the army, there are also weaker women who are unfit, but this position should not be used to make generalizations.

Works Cited

Skaine, Rosemarie. Women at war: Gender issues of Americans in combat. McFarland, 1999.

Quester, George H. "Women in combat." International Security(1977): 85-89.

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