The Role of Cultural Factors in the UAE Criminal Justice System

Cultural factors have profound impacts on the police investigation and the entire criminal justice system in the United Arab Emirate (UAE). The influence of this factors can lead to a biased investigative process leading to miscarriage of justice (Moghadam 138). Ideally, the police officers can take several steps to conduct an unbiased investigation while still respecting the position of the fathers in the society as described below;

        Firstly, both male and female should be given equal roles and time to record statement during the investigation process. Thus, this will be critical in providing both parties a fair chance of participating fully in the investigation process without necessarily sidelining any party. For instance, giving fathers the exclusive right to make statements during the investigation process can only lead to skewed outcomes (Moghadam 155).

        Secondly, the police can encourage both parties to express their thoughts on the matter under investigation freely. This is critical in helping the female parties to freely give their opinions without undue pressure from the societal expectations, especially in patriarchal societies like UAE. Moreover, the views and statements made by both the male and female witnesses should account equally in the final submissions in a court of law. It is critical for women to know that their opinions will be treated equally with that of their male counterparts in the court proceedings (Moghadam 144).

      Therefore, it is imperative to note that regardless of the negative impacts of cultural factors, especially in patriarchal societies, the investigative police officers can take numerous measures to prevent implicit bias in the investigation process. Both the opinions and statements made by men and women should account equally to minimize the occurrence of a miscarriage of justice.


Moghadam, M V. "Patriarchy in transition: Women and the changing family in the Middle East." Journal of Comparative Family Studies (2004): 137-162. Web.

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