The Role of BAE Systems in the Arms Trade

BAE Systems plc

BAE Systems plc is a multinational corporation which oversees the development of technology in the defence, aerospace and security sectors. Mainly, the company facilitates the production of tools used in wars. Mainly, the company is inspired by the need to be the premier institution in the production of world warfare tools. As a British corporation, the activities undertaken by BAE Systems plc attests to the acute role that is played by the UK in arms trade. In reflecting on the issue, Self argues that the United Kingdom is one of the major players in the production and distribution of arms across various countries. Self also attests to the expansive role that is played by the corporation on a global scale by suggesting that it is one of the biggest arms companies in the world.

Areas of Focus

The corporation’s production initiatives transcend to five major areas which include: cyber security & intelligence, electronics, services and the sea. The company is contracted by various countries to streamline the development of technological tools. For instance, BAE Systems oversee the production of various military hardware for Saudi Arabia. Thus, “BAE Systems are the past-masters of periphrasis when it comes to their deals with the Saudi Regime” (Self). The statement attests to the company’s reliance on foreign countries in the generation of revenue. Another major client for the company is Australia. Being the leading producer of freights for the country, marks BAE Systems as one of the most influential organizations in the defence and military components industry.


BAE Systems embraces employees from a wide range of disciplines. According to the organization’s website, the company recruits personnel with an educational background in various fields of operation from the undergraduate to the postgraduate level. Currently, the organization has 83,200 employees across the major branches in the world. The strategic recruitment targets individuals with extensive skills and experience, who can streamline the development of products in the institution. The competitive salaries offered by the institution, coupled with comprehensive benefit packages, provides BAE Systems with the skills needed to achieve the production of viable gadgets. The reinforcement of diversity in the allocation of tasks and assigning of positions reflects the company’s commitment to an inclusive approach in production.

The Financial Factor

Notably, the article A Point of View: Why Euphemism is an Integral to Modern Warfare questions to the financial and production gains made by companies the engage in the development of warfare gadgets. The claim assumes that the extension of weapons to other countries is a camouflaged diplomacy tactic which aimed to augment relations between different countries. Still, the BAE Systems financial documentation reveals profitability, which provides the major inspiration behind the production of the military goods. The assessment of the financial documents reveals that the organization generated profit from the sale of Electronic systems, cyber & intelligence tools, the provision of platforms and services, and the intra-group sales. Such a trend is a negation of the political underpinnings behind production initiatives, as inferred by Self.


BAE Systems has succeeded in establishing itself as one of the major producers of military goods across the world. While, Self questions the intentions of companies that participate in the production of goods, BAE Systems website reveals that the institution is one of the major employers across seven countries.

Work Cited

Self, Will. “A Point of View: Why Euphemism is Integral to Modern Warfare.” BBC, 2011, Accessed on September 14, 2018.

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