The Role of Astronomy in Our Community

Astronomy to the sector of aerospace has shared the majority of aerospace technology using astronomy, particularly instruments such as imaging, hardware, and processing image technologies. From the discovery of based space telescopes to acquisition information for defence has conversed through the based ground to space and aerial-based techniques. Defence satellites are telescopes pointing onwards Earth and need technology that is identical and hardware implementation to counterpart astronomical sector (deCastroMilone and Andre 1).

Therefore, Thomasin majoring in astronomy can benefit her significantly in broad areas of astronomical discovery in the category such as defence as follows:

Observing stars and stellar models in the atmospheres that are utilized in differentiating between objects like cosmic and plumes rocket. Similar research is currently implemented to study the systems for early warnings.

Observing distribution of sky stellar, for the utilization of pointing and calibrating telescopes - are as well utilized in engineering aerospace.

GPS which stands for (Global Positioning System), where satellites are relying on the astronomical instruments, for instance, galaxies that are distant and quasars in determining accuracy positions (deCastroMilone and Andre 1).

Thus, Thomasin should major mainly in astronomy since astronomy and medicine goes hand in hand when it comes to imaging technology. This relation can be explained by using a technique known as CAT or CT scanners or (Computerized Tomography), MRIs which is (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET, i.e., (Positron Emission Tomography) and other tools for medical imaging (deCastroMilone and Andre 1).

Summary of philosophical aspects of evolution and formation of the universe

In the text above, I have mentioned both intangible and tangible as to why astronomy is a significant part of our community. Although the focus primarily has been about technology and transfer of knowledge, however, the considerable contribution about astronomy is that it brings awareness and aspects of our universe (deCastroMilone and Andre 1).

Works Cited

deCastroMilone, Andre. "Astronomy in Everyday Life." NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N (2018): 1-1.

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