The Modern Image of North Korea

In updating the image to reflect the modern social and political climate, I would include today’s global factors that come with the capitalism. I could include images of people leading different lives. The new images could show some people leading lavish lives in luxury whereas their counterparts in the other end experience abject poverty, food insecurity, poor housing and so forth. Additionally, there is the show of soldiers in gas masks and planes in the sky and tanks signifying violence. Such elements will be replaced by nuclear bombs and other high-gear weapons of mass destruction likely to be unleashed in the modern era. The public figures that could be included in the updated image will be the presidents of the United States, Russia, and the supreme leader of North Korea. The trio is among the most powerful leaders going by the military forces that they command and the economic influence that they have across the world.

In the image, it will be vital to include the current issues about the development of weapons of mass destruction in North Korea, which has been termed as a potential regional and global security menace. Further, the image will feature the current poor state of economic affairs especially in the developing countries in Asia and Africa. The image can be associated with the modern state of affairs on a global platform. The presentation of high rates of unemployment by the image at the time will be replaced by increased rates of crime around the world. Additionally, the image will be updated to show how the unemployment and inequality around the world are also resulting in inhumane acts such as terrorism from certain regions.

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