The literary appreciation Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte's Literary Admiration of Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte's literary admiration Wuthering Heights is primarily built on the forget relationship that is formed between Heathcliff and Catherine. The diary discovered by Lockwood in Catherine's closet in the first scenario portrayed by the author brings to light the strained connection between Catherine and Heathcliff. Nonetheless, the diary serves other goals in addition to shedding light on the duo's hate. It reveals that, despite the fact that the two siblings have a hostile relationship, they share connections that serve to pull them together against all odds. The prior perception that most readers form regarding Heathcliff is that he does not acre for anyone else except for himself. This is mainly attributed to the fact that he was always cold-hearted to most people and extremely violent in the same instant. However, the author of the novel brings out his personality through a whole new perspective that the readers did not anticipate. The side of him that seems to be as a surprise is one that is caring and loving. He does so well in hiding his true being and only shows it to one person that he feels indebted to show tenderness towards as a way of bringing out his real intentions towards her. Irony is one very powerful tool that most authors use in their literary appreciations to bring out varying opinions regarding the same people in a play or book. However, it only proves to be worth it if applied in the right manner to achieve the anticipated outcomes.

Heathcliff's Caring and Loving Personality

It is through Catherine's part in the script that Heathcliff's caring and loving personality are revealed. Notably, Heathcliff was good at blockading other people from knowing his emotional thoughts by using a mask that was emotionally bare. His intentions or rather the reason as to why he showed an emotionless face ever since he set foot in Wuthering Heights is because he wanted to safeguard himself from any painful experiences that would result in him getting emotionally disoriented in one way or another. The environment around him is not that conducive as he is despised by almost every one for being what he is; a gypsy. The bare fact is that he is not only hated for being a gypsy but what falling in that category made other people realize about the category of people.

The Detest for Heathcliff

Also, people detest Heathcliff due to the occurrences that took place as a result of him being a gypsy which include; the mysterious disappearance of Catherine's whip and the painful crushing of Hindley's fiddle. As the reader, it is quite simple to understand the fact that the events that led to the unfortunate events were not in any way Heathcliff's fault but then the casts in the literary text make it appear s tough he was the culprit behind their partaking. Hindley feels as though Heathcliff is taking his place and favor before his father's eyes and opts to make life miserable for him. However, the only thing that makes Heathcliff feel better and comfortable away from all the issues that strive to make life difficult for him, is the connection he shares with Catherine. The aforementioned makes him feel okay despite all that is trying to weigh him down.

Relationship Dysfunctionality

According to the author, relationships often face tragic moments and so it is the same context that Emily Bronte came up with the compository concept for the book. The two are seemingly meant for each other as they encompass a lot of tragedy that they scamper together and still remain intertwined in the love they share. The relationship that is shared between Heathcliff and Catherine form a representation of the spirit of freedom as it seems to triumph over the rebellious environment and nature that Hindley shows to them more so Heathcliff. The perception here is that they share a unique affinity that makes then assume the position of soul mates as they are drawn to each other in an irresistible nature.

The Profound Connection between Catherine and Heathcliff

Relationships always have a common factor they all share they start at high pitch since the love is still new and at it early stages. Hindrances are yet to find their space within them thus giving participants the illusive notion of perfection and comfort. As the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine progresses, vices that form part of the huddles they are meant to face creep into the affair making it less fun and difficult. Dysfunctionality that jets into the affair is attributed to jealousy and miscommunication. In most cases, the aforementioned would have brought an end to any relationship but that was not the case when it came to the connection between Catherine and Heathcliff.

Catherine's Kindness and Comfort for Heathcliff

The reason as to why Catherine and Heathcliff share a profound connection is the fact that Catherine was always kind to Heathcliff when everyone around him seemed to be judgmental and antisocial when it came to him. He found comfort and understanding in her and it made him feel at home. Since Heathcliff was an orphan and all his life he had always been alone before he was found at the train station by Catherine's father who felt he deserved a better life than the one he had, Catherine's attitude towards him seemed to be one of the best things that had ever happened to him. Having someone to care about one when the individual has no one else to does that for them is usually the best feeling that orphans have in such circumstances.

The Triumph of Love

Generally, the whole novel is pegged on the circumstances surrounding the relationship that the two individuals share in the text. It clearly brings out the painful moments that the two had to go through just to keep their relationship working. In so doing, the novel brings out the fact that they managed to triumph in the midst of all calamity due to the profound emotional attachment they were sharing with each other. Having lived under the same roof for so long, it only served to strengthen them and give them an understanding of the situation surrounding either party so that they would comprehend and learnt to accept each other as they were despite all the hardships and the odds that would stand in their way. This is the main reason as to why Heathcliff did not think twice about showing Catherine how he felt for her even though he had been cold with all other casts in the book.

Catherine's Exceptional Role in Heathcliff's Life

According to the author, Catherine was an exceptional character in Heathcliff's life. Throughout the novel, he did not pay much attention to anyone else other than her. Also, she was the only person he felt comfortable to let in his life and open up to as he was at ease when she was with him. Understanding how the human heart works is on difficult task that anyone would ever embark on as it is not always that easy to maneuver way through it. Only the person bearing the heart can know the way in which it functions and how it connects to other being they feel emotionally attached to in all instances. It is the same scenario with Catherine and Heathcliff; most people do not understand them and try to sabotage the affair with the thought that the two are not meant for each other and for additional selfish reasons the people might have had with them.

A Love Story Against All Odds

Just as any other love story the author concludes it with a happy ending in which the love between Catherine and Heathcliff triumphs against all odds that were in play to tear it apart. However, it does not only serve the purpose of showing that love stories have beautiful ending, it also brings to the surface the fact that the two struggled in all ways they could to keep the affair up and running. A struggle is only worth it if I the end there are encouraging results to be seen and not the other way round. The author manages to create a powerful interplay that keeps readers glued to the book and also intrigued by the events in it. Even though most of the characters in the novel did not enjoy seeing Catherine and Heathcliff together, the two did not mind the and pursued their hearts to the end.

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