The Intersection of Social Class, Discrimination, Poverty, Ethnicity, Race, Gender, Schooling, and Age

In most places in the world

The different cornerstones of stratification including race, age, gender, schooling, and class. These cornerstones of stratification demarcate social inequality, shape access to opportunities, and provide grounds for resistance and social movements. Gender, race, age, and class create contours of battle stories of societal reaction and aberrant response.

Social class

Social class is responsible for shaping peoples’ values and how people access opportunities. Class leads to blocked opportunities more so when it came to realizing economic success. People who come from low social levels fail to access education; suffer from discrimination and battle with poverty. Poverty increases the inclination of individuals to commit different economic crimes including burglary, theft, prostitution, armed robbery, and street-level drug trafficking. Some crimes like embezzlement of funds, illegal dumping of toxic wastes, pollution, and exposing employees to unsafe work conditions are termed to be dependent on organizational or occupational positions and socioeconomic status. Majority of the poor people fail to get law enforcement and live outside the protection of the law (TED " Haugen, 2015). People who live outside the protection of the law are prone to different risks.


Age is a variable linked with some deviant behaviors in society. Gender discrimination and race are harmful strains which pressure youths into delinquency. The intersection of class, gender, and age results in complex deviance impetus such as teen pregnancies, violence, rejection of the values of conformity and work, and peremptory norms of respect (Heitzeg, 2015). In the context of isolated neighborhoods and institutionalized racism, a person who is poor, young and black can contribute to the implementation of an alternative set of standards for respect and norms; which can also correlate with association with violence or gangs.

In conclusion

In conclusion, social class, discrimination, poverty, ethnicity, race, gender, schooling, and age inter-wine with social identity and social structure. A person cannot isolate race, gender, age, and social class from the role of oppression systems when it comes to deviant response and fueling alienation. The experience of classism or ageism or racism can contribute to the violation or rejection of societal norms.


Heitzeg, N. A. (2015). Differentials in Deviance: Race, Class, Gender, and Age. ResearchGate, 1-14.

TED, " Haugen, G. (Directors). (2015). The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to Address now [Motion Picture].

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