The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things (IoT) describes the network of various physical devices such as home appliances, vehicles, as well as various other home appliances that are equipped with sensors and software that enable connectivity. In return, connectivity allows for connection and the exchange of data, which creates a platform for the direct integration and synchrony of the physical world into unique systems that are computer-based. The result of this is an improvement in efficiency, economic benefits as well as the reduction of human exertions.

Utilizing IoT as a Stay-at-Home Mom

There are several ways that a stay-at-home mom can utilize the concepts therein as well as the various devices associated with the internet of things. As a stay home mom that has three children it is expected to have a lot in my hands. I need to take care of the children while at the same time take care of the day-to-day duties of the home. Resultantly, I can utilize the various devices to make work easier. For instance, the washing machine can be connected with the iPhone so that any direction can be given from there. This way, I can handle many activities at once.

Additionally, the I can set the coffee maker to brew coffee at the right time that my husband is going to work. Furthermore, taking care of three children results to fatigue which sometimes makes me forget to buy groceries. In this regard, I can make use of the fridge to check the number of things that need to be bought, which then will send a notification and I can then purchase without forgetting anything. All in all, there are many possibilities associated with the internet of things as we will soon come to realize.

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