American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National
Council on Measurement in Education. (1999). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: Authors.
I chose this article because it provides a report regarding the approval of the standards for both educational and psychological testing of culturally diverse learners. The article has relevance to the course project in the sense that it presents both the educational and psychological perspectives of culturalism and provides criteria for assessing tests and testing practices in multicultural learning settings. Besides, the article presents various ways of encouraging test developers, publishers, and sponsors to adopt the standards for educational and psychological testing in culturally diverse educational centres. This article will add value to the research paper by enabling the incorporation of the views of the American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education in the research findings. Moreover, this article relates to the research question in the sense that it provides a detailed description of the impacts of standardized tests on the performance of linguistically diverse students.
Boykin, A. W. (1986). The triple quandary and the schooling of Afro-American children. In U. Neisser (Ed.), The school achievement of minority children (pp. 57-91). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
My reason for selecting this book as one of the sources for this research project is that it examines the role played by culture in the socialization patterns among the low-income African-American households. The book is relevant to the course project in the sense that it employs a Triple Quarterly framework in comparing the cultural themes between the Afro-cultural ethos and the mainstream cultural ethos. Besides, the book presents the differences in socialization activities between different cultures. This book will add value to the research paper by offering a detailed explanation for lower academic performance among the minority students. The book relates to the research question in the sense that it demonstrates how standard educational practices and cultural factors influence group differences in academic achievement and test scores.
Culp, B., " Schmidlein, R. (2012). Preparing PETE Students for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners. Strategies, 25(7), 11-14. doi: 10.1080/08924562.2012.10590976
I selected this article because it gives a prediction of the composition or population of the culturally and linguistically diverse learners in the United States’ public schools by the year 2030. The article is relevant to the course project because it explains the level of knowledge and skills the educators need to acquire to adequately meet the educational needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Besides, the article will add value to the research paper by explaining the need for consistent training of teachers through the prioritization of various teacher education programs to ensure that the educational needs or culturally and linguistically diverse learners are met. The article relates to the research question in the sense that it addresses the need for teachers’ training to ensure equal intellectual testing and performance of linguistically diverse learners.
Gentry, R. (2009). Disproportionate Representation of Minorities in Special Education--How Bad? Online Submission.
I chose this article because it explains the importance of special education in ensuring educational success for culturally and linguistically diverse students. The source is relevant to the course project because it addresses the educational needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students by proposing an individualized education program that can help such students to develop their potential. The article will, thus, add value to the research paper by addressing the various unresolved, long-term, and seemingly unimaginable issues affecting culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The article relates to the research question in the sense that it explores the facts surrounding special education, including the strategies for ensuring equal intellectual testing and performance for linguistically diverse learners.
Gersten, R., Brengelman, S., " Jiménez, R. (2017). Effective Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Reconceptualization. Focus on Exceptional Children, 27(1). doi: 10.17161/fec.v27i1.6895
My reason for choosing this article for the research project is that it provides a detailed description of the importance of special education classrooms in meeting the educational needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The source is relevant to the course project because it examines the various mechanisms that affect minority education, in the context of intellectual testing and performance. Moreover, the article explains the need for establishing valid placement and assessment procedures aimed at providing viable instructional strategies for culturally and linguistically diverse learners. This reference will add value to the research paper by providing insights into how special education can help in the achievement of educational goals of culturally and linguistically diverse students. The article relates to the research question by examining the quality and appropriateness of special education in ensuring equal intellectual testing and performance for language-minority students.
Harmon, D. (2002). They won’t teach me: The voices of gifted African American inner-city students. Roeper Review, 24, 68-75.
I selected this article because it presents and discusses the findings of research designed to create a better understanding of the practices or experiences of gifted African-Americans among the inner-city elementary school students. The article is relevant to the course project because it gives the views of African-American students regarding how their classroom environments and school resources compare with those of their White counterparts. This source will add value to the research paper by giving the various characteristics of effective and ineffective instructors. Besides, the article relates to the research question in the sense that it describes the different teaching methods, educational philosophies, curricular, and classroom management strategies that can be embraced to ensure equal intellectual testing and performance for culturally diverse students.
He, M., " Yu, M. (2017). Education for cultural and linguistic diversity in the United States in hard times. Curriculum Perspectives, 37(2), 205-210. doi: 10.1007/s41297-017-0027-5
I chose this article as one of the sources for the research project since it provides the authors’ perspectives or views on the education for the culturally and linguistically diverse students in the United States. The source is relevant to the course project in the sense that it gives an overview of the increasingly multiethnic, multicultural, multiracial, and multilingual landscape in the United States, as well as the state of education for culturally and linguistically diverse students in the United States. The source will add value to the research paper by explaining the possibilities and challenges of education for culturally and linguistically diverse students in the United States during hard times. The article relates to the research question in the sense that it recognizes that equal intellectual testing and performance for culturally and linguistically diverse students can be achieved through the effective collaboration of all the key stakeholders in the education sector.
Hogan, K., " Hathcote, A. (2013). Issues in Curriculum and Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 9(1). doi: 10.1515/mlt-2013-0024
I selected this article because it explains why teachers should be encouraged to teach in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. The article is relevant to the course project in the sense that it explains why students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds form the highest proportion of the United States' students. The article will, therefore, add value to the research paper by explaining why teachers in the United States should start recognizing and embracing culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. Moreover, the article relates to the research question in the sense that it addresses various issues associated with instruction and curriculum that support equal intellectual testing and performance of culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Howells, K. (2014). Exploring Cultural Diversity through the Lens of the Practice of Gratitude in Education. The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 13(2), 41-52. doi: 10.18848/2327-0020/cgp/v13i02/40091
My reason for selecting this article as one of the sources for this research project is that the author presents the differences between the western and the indigenous cultures and how they influence the educational achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This article or source is relevant to the course project because it acknowledges that action gratitude improves communication for pre-service teachers with other educators, thereby fostering positive teacher-student relationships, and consequently enhancing the academic achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The article will, therefore, add value to the research paper by explaining the importance of positive teacher-student relationships in enhancing the academic performance of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Additionally, the article relates to the research question in the sense that it offers explains the role of gratitude in ensuring equal intellectual testing and performance for culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Johnsen, S. K. (2004). Identifying gifted students: A practical guide. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
I chose this source because it provides the current information for creating an effective and defensive process of identifying gifted students among the culturally and linguistically diverse groups. The source relates to the course project in the sense that it acts as research-based and hands-on guideline for identifying talented and gifted students in a multicultural and multilinguistic environment. This book will add value to the research paper by explaining how various professionals, such as teachers, psychologists, and administrators can make decisions relating to the identification and service delivery to talented and gifted students from culturally and linguistically diverse groups. The book relates to the research question by acting as a handbook for creating effective procedures for understanding the relationship between a standardized educational program and intellectual testing and performance for talented and gifted students from diverse backgrounds.
Johnson, J., Yerrick, R., " Kearney, E. (2014). Supporting Linguistically Diverse Students in an Era of Science Education Reform. Science Scope, 037(05). doi: 10.2505/4/ss14_037_05_23
I selected this article because it explores various strategies for ensuring equal and quality education for students from diverse backgrounds. The article is relevant to the course project because it examines the degree of participation of linguistically diverse students in various educational programs. Besides, the article explores the level of understanding of linguistically diverse students when left to study independently. This reference will add value to the research paper by explaining the importance of independent learning among linguistically diverse students, as well as the role of online discussions in improving the academic performance of such students. The article relates to the research question in the sense that it explains the impacts of standardized tests on the intellectual testing and performance of linguistically diverse learners.
Lakin, J. (2012). Multidimensional ability tests and culturally and linguistically diverse students: Evidence of measurement invariance. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(3), 397-403. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2011.12.003
My reason for choosing this article as one of the references for this research project is that it examines the perceptions of culturally and linguistically diverse students and parents regarding the choice of secondary school. The article is therefore relevant to the course project because it identifies the various factors that influence or shape the perceptions and expectations of culturally and linguistically diverse students and parents in selecting secondary school type. The article will add value to the research paper by explaining the relationship between culturally diverse students’ and parents’ perceptions and expectations in choosing secondary school types. The article relates to the research question in the sense that it explains how standardized tests impact student’s selection of secondary schools, as well as how standardized tests influence the intelligence testing and performance of such students.
Sharma, S. (2011). The Education of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Journal of College Teaching " Learning (TLC), 4(11). doi: 10.19030/tlc.v4i11.1519
I selected this article because it examines and presents the attitudes and perceptions of elementary school teachers regarding students from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. The article is relevant to the course project in the sense that it evaluates various teaching strategies that might help in the effective delivery of learning services to culturally and linguistically diverse students. The article will add the value of the research paper by identifying various tips for teachers’ preparedness in ensuring the delivery of quality education to culturally and linguistically diverse students. Besides, the article will add value to the research paper by creating an understanding of how teachers can work with culturally and linguistically diverse students to improve their intelligence testing and performance. The article also relates to the research question by explaining how standardized educational programs can affect the learning outcomes of culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Skiba, R.J., Simmons, A.B., Ritter, S., Gibb, A.C., Rausch, M.K., Cuadrado, J., "Chung, C. (2008). Achieving equity in special education: History, status, and current challenges. Exceptional Children, 74(3), 264-288.
I chose this article as one of the resources for my research project because it addresses the issue of disproportionate representation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education programs in the United States. The article relates to the course project through its examination of the culture-based discrimination and segregation in the U.S. education system. The source will add value to the research paper by providing detailed information regarding the degree of access to education among culturally and linguistically diverse students in the United States. Moreover, the article will provide information relating to various factors that affect the learning of culturally diverse students, such as poverty, test bias, inequality in general education, special education processes, cultural mismatch, and behaviour management. The article relates to the research question by providing a report, measurement, and history of how standardized tests and instructional methods impacts the intelligence testing and academic performance of linguistically and culturally diverse students.
Wiley, T. (2014). Diversity, Super-Diversity, and Monolingual Language Ideology in the United States. Review of Research in Education, 38(1), 1-32. doi: 10.3102/0091732x13511047
My choice for this article is based on its presentation and discussion of the role of linguistic diversity in education. The article relates to the course project because it addresses various issues relating to language diversity within the context of U.S. education and provides recent trends and future predictions of how language diversity will impact education. The article will, therefore, add value to the research paper by exploring the of education for the culturally and linguistically diverse students in the United States. Besides, the article reflects on how linguistic diversity and ethnic/racial labelling have been constructed in the U.S. over time. The article relates to the research question by examining the impact of English language on the intelligence testing and educational performance of linguistically diverse students.