The Importance of Safe Community Environments

In accordance to the World Health Organization

The term health refers to a state of complete mental, social, as well as physical wellbeing therefore, this term extends beyond the mare absence of either infirmity or disease. Moreover, it is also defined as a state that allows a person to cope adequately with all the demands of daily life (Sartorius, 2006). Therefore, population health on the other hand refers to health outcomes of a large group of people. This paper explores various comprehensive approaches or rather methods that can be applied to promote the declining population health of the American population among them, promoting the establishment of community health partnerships, promoting safe community environments, promotion of clinical as well as community preventive services, empowering people to make healthy choices, and ultimately reducing existing health disparities.

Significance of the Problem

Despite being one of the most developed nations, the health of the American population has continued to decline over the past few decades, as a result, US ranks below many developing nations in terms of infant mortality, and life expectancy among other indicators of a healthy life (National Prevention Council, 2011). Research shows that the US spends huge amounts of finances on health, concerning this, the overall/total US healthcare spending rose or rather grew by 4.3% in 2016 consequently reaching well over $ 3.3 trillion which translates to about $10,348 per individual annually. On the other hand, as a share of the country’s Gross Domestic Product, the total health spending incurred in 2016 accounted for approximately 17.9% (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2018). Generally, whether the health spending is measured in terms of per capita basis or even as a percentage pf the total gross domestic product, research indicates that the US spends approximately twice the average; thus of comparable nations.

However, despite the spending, according to research

The US has the worst health outcomes than other comparable nations around the globe which to a great extent holds true; thus across both age and income groups (American Public Health Association, 2018). In relation to this, for example in 2014, a report by the Commonwealth Fund for the 5th consecutive time; thus within a period of 10 years, ranked the US in the last position against comparable nations, in measures such as equity and healthy lives, access to care, as well as quality of care (American Public Health Association, 2018). Further, an analysis study conducted by the National Research Council further discovered that minority as well as low-income groups are not entirely responsible for this downward trend rather, declining health is evident across all ages and incomes.

Given the declining population health in the US

The financial costs of healthcare, as well as the fact that a healthy population is the ultimate bedrock of a nation’s productivity, innovation as well as entrepreneurship there is great need to develop comprehensive and effective methods to promote better health for the American population.


Community Health Partnerships

One of the effective ways of improving or rather promoting better health for the American population is through establishing the community health partnerships. Generally, community health partnerships involve bringing together a wide range of stakeholders such as educators, healthcare providers, social service providers, business leaders, civic groups, as well as community organizations to reduce health disparities, promote healthy behavior, as well as to improve access to both primary and preventative care (Hostetter, Klein, 2018). Concerning this, engaging various partners across disciplines, institutions, and sectors has the ability of changing the way modern communities not only conceptualize and solve problems but also enhance the overall implementation of various innovative strategies consequently, improving both individual and community well-being (Hostetter, Klein, 2018). Generally, a wide range of actions by different stakeholders greatly contribute to, as well as support health promotion. For example, from parents that provide and ensure their families’ consumer healthy foods while also ensuring children receive all the appropriate preventative services to business organizations that highly support evidence-based work-related safety or wellness efforts consequently, reducing health risks all contribute to promotion of health.

Other examples of actions by these stakeholders that promote health include

the provision of either employment or job training for all the unemployed individuals by community-based organizations inclusive the implementation of policies aimed at improving health by policy makers. Therefore, it is clear that in order to promote the health of the American population, various stakeholders should be included as they play different roles in promoting health. Concerning this, research indicates that research opportunities for both prevention and health promotion increase in the event people working in the education, housing, transportation, among other sectors work together and incorporate both health and wellness; thus into their decision-making (National Prevention Council, 2011).

Promoting Safe Community Environments

Both population health and wellness to a great extent are highly influenced by the places in which the American citizens live, work, learn, and even play. In relation to this, communities inclusive of homes, public spaces, worksites as well as schools to a great extent can be transformed to support not only people’s overall wellbeing but also provide an opportunity to make choices that are both healthy and affordable. Concerning this, some of the ways of creating healthy and safe environments include improving the overall quality of water, land as well as air through the implementation of stricter environmental standards as well as regulations while also monitoring both pollution levels and human exposure (US Department of Human Services, 2014). Other related initiatives include use of cleaner fuels, improving fuel efficiency ensuring routine monitoring of water-related risks in order to prevent water contamination. Promoting safe and healthy environment also entails provision of affordable as well as secure housing. Generally, one of the benefits of promoting a healthy and safe environment is that communities are able to avoid health-related problems, moreover, they are also bale to respond quickly to not only acute but also chronic threats; thus to health (National Prevention Council, 2011).

Promotion of Clinical as well as Community Preventive Services

Research indicates that the use of evidence-based preventive services is greatly associated with reducing health-related risks, complications, deaths, as well as disabilities. Moreover, evidence based preventative services have also been found as not only cost-effective but also cost-saving. Generally, these preventative services consist of counselling, screening tests, immunizations or rather preventative medications, all of which are used to either prevent diseases, detect the presence of health problems, or in some instances provide vital information necessary in the decision making process concerning one’s health (National Prevention Council, 2011). For decades preventative measures that been o a great extent traditionally delivered; thus in clinical settings however, most of these can be delivered within homes, schools, work sites, communities, as well as residential treatment center in order to eliminated the problem of accessibility faced by many Americans. In order to promote better health for the American population, these preventative services should be not only supported but also highly reinforced by community-based prevention programs inclusive of policies. Another recommendation to promote better health for the American population is to use community-based programs to promote the application of clinical preventative services as well as to aid people in overcoming barriers such transportation and patient navigational issues.

Empowering People to make Healthy Choices

According to research lack of education; hence, knowledge is one key determining factors with regards to an individual’s eating habits and lifestyle. Concerning this, research indicates that educated individuals tend to be highly knowledgeable concerning the overall benefits that are associated with healthy eating, consequently they are more likely to live a healthy lifestyle marked by healthy dietary choices (Contento, 2015). Therefore, promoting health literacy among US population in critical as it will increase their ability to understand health inclusive of diseases which in, turn empowers them to take necessary action.

Another method of empowering the American population is

through programs as well as policies that make all the healthy options available, however there is also need to establish community-based educational programs on leading a healthy lifestyle and the benefits associated; hence, enabling people to make heath choices. Generally, individuals are empowered in the event they have adequate knowledge, resources, ability, inclusive of motivation to not only identify but also make healthy choices (National Prevention Council, 2011). Further, when individuals are highly empowered they are able to not only take an active role in improving their overall health but also support their families and friends, in leading a healthy lifestyle resulting in community change.

Elimination of Disparities

According to research, in the US vulnerable low-income families as well as people from the minority groups tend to have a disproportionate share of poor health outcomes. In relation to this, while access to quality care remains as one of the major barriers, heath literacy, ability to meet their basic needs, access to programs that are culturally relevant as well as financial insecurity are some of the typical barriers faced by this population (Teutsch, 2016). It is therefore important to develop a comprehensive health programs for this population coupled with population health interventions such as establishment of community-based programs that provide job training and employment, provision of government funded food programs, as well as provision of healthcare while ensuring accessibility will ultimately reduce not only short but also long term health disparities.


In conclusion, promoting better health for the American population is critical given the fact that America’s population health has been decreasing over the years. It is also important to solve this problems in order to reduce the country’s current health financial costs which are a major burden on the country’s economy. Moreover, since a healthy population is considered as the foundation of a nation’s productivity there is great need to develop comprehensive and effective methods to promote better health for the American population to secure the country’s future. Concerning this, some of the effective approaches/methods that can be applied to promote the declining population health of the American population include empowering people to make healthy choices, promotion of clinical as well as community preventive services, promoting safe community environments, and promoting the establishment of community health partnerships.


American Public Health Association. (2018). Health Rankings. Retrieved from;

Centers for Medicare " Medicaid Services. (2018). National Health Expenditure Data. Retrieved from;

Contento, I. (2015). Nutrition Education. Jones " Bartlett Publishers.

National Prevention Council. (2011). National Prevention Strategy; America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness. Retrieved from;

Sartorius, N. (2006). The Meanings of Health and its Promotion. Croatian Medical Journal, 47(4): 662–664. Retrieved from;

Hostetter, M. " Klein, S. (2018). Improving Population Health through Communitywide Partnerships. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from;

US Department of Human Services. (2014). Healthy and Safe Community Environments. Retrieved from;

Teutsch, (2016). How a Population Health Approach Improves Health and Reduces Disparities: The Case of Head Start. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from;

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