The Importance of Good Motherhood

There exist different types of parents in our societies. There are all types of mothers around this world[u1] . Some parents exhibits positive traits while others exhibit negative characters. who are good and some aren't[u2]. Parenthood more so motherhood presents risks, challenges and responsibilities in equal Beingmeasures.  a mother isn't easy it has a lot of challenges and responsibilities.[u3]

Good motherhood involves raising your kids on the basis of good morals.Good mothers need to know when their child reaches their limits and needs to stop[u4] .

Unfortunately, not all mothers mothers understand the significance of good morals.know[u5] , and an example for that is [u6] .Sue Ellen Thompson's is such a mother as depicted in the poetry.

poetry which is about her and her daughter. Sue spoils her daughter with love ;ultimately the daughter ends up disobedient.She tries her best to make her daughter happy and not to hurt her in any way, but the problem she is hurting herself and her daughter by making her a disobeying daughter which leads to a distance in their relationship. [u7]

    Sue in her poems laments about her disobedient daughter who shows utter disrespect to her.Thompson's mentions in all her poems how her daughter is not obeying her; shows us how the daughter lacks respect to her mother[u8] . In one of her poems For example in the poem [u9] "The visit" Sue imply giving her daughter money to buy drinks. On the contrast her daughter  shows utter disrespect by shouting and throwing her back the money. The daughter claims the money wasn’t enough.  the mother wanted to hand her daughter money so she could get something to drink, but in return, the daughters shout at her mother and throw the money back to her because of the money wasn't enough for her[u10] .

Despite her daughters behavior Sue did not take any stern action against her At that point the mother should take the action of shouting at her[u11] or punish  punishing [u12] her for her behavior.; instead,  Sshe  opted to stayed quite which wais wrong. The daughter will take this as the benefit and will keep on going with what she does.

 Sue is in neglect of her daughter, in the poem the daughter  the daughter sneaks out to travel without her knowledge. Another example is the poem of “decorating the tree” the daughter travels without taking the mother’s permission. This shows us that the mother has no authority in the house which was her fault because she didn't put any limits from the first place.

 Russel  Peters a renown comedian mentioned that it is the sole responsibility of a parent  to give direction to their kids if they are on the wrong. According to Russel, punishment  should be I  viewed as one of  the right way to provide guidance to kids who are  disobedient.  A comedian called Russel Peters once said that parents should punish or hit their kids if they did something wrong. This is entirely correct kids must be punished or beats depending on what they have done. \

If parents spare the rod they kids turns up spoilt brats who are disobedient.

Sue as a mother experiences this with her daughter due to poor parenting. If parents didn't do that then in future their kids are going to disobey them. This is precisely what is happening with Thompson and her daughter. [u13]

 Punishment is not a sign of hate or rather a sign of love  and a way of instilling discipline and direction  to ensure respect and obedience amongst kids.

The parents who punish their kids doesn't mean they dont love them, but instead, it is showing them that there should be limits that they should get over. This will create a respected and well-behaved child.


  A daughter needs a mother close to her to encourage proper behavior . A mother being closer to a daughter also promotes daughter-mother conversation in the process.  This relationship is of great benefit. The   daughter in the long run will be able to open up and share about her struggles in life. The poem reveals missing link in mother- daughter communication.  It is essential for a mother to become close to her daughter because a daughter does need a mother that is close to her so which she could tell her everything she is experiencing. In the poems, it shows us how the daughter and mother dont communication. [u15]

Encouraging communication is vital in up-bringing  of any child as this promote self-confidence, respect and obedience .Communication has also a way of promoting self-love and instilling discipline on equal measures. The mother should have at least tried to communicate with her daughter and know her to better instead of trying to avoid these small things. For example, Iin the poem, "Orthodontist Days" and the "turning" shows signs that the daughter and the mother were having limited  time  communicating with each other. Communication provides avenue for change  talkswhile preventing poor upbringing  amongst children. about how rarely they talk to each other.  If the mother tries talking to her daughter, it may change a lot of things, for example, [u16] the In the poem "The asking" sue is disappointed at her daughters loose moral. This  disappointment  goes along to  the mother is disappointed with the way her daughter is clothing. Sue

Thompson Thompson could not understand why the daughter dresses in a certain way.  This emerges as  she could not provide time to sit down and talk out to her daughter.could have known why the daughter is wearing like that if she tries to communicate with her and wouldn't build that distance between them.

   In In conclusion parent in a way plays a vital role in the moral upbringing of their kids. Instilling discipline is vital in allowing proper development of a kid. Encouraging good morals is essential in providing direction  for the young generation who are struggling with what to consider good morals.general, it is a strategy for all parents; there should always be rules and limits between them and their kids. No matter how hard for you were seeing yourself punishing your child, you should do it. If not, then your kid will become the one against you. They might not only disrespect you, but they might also disrespect other people who will reflect how wrong you are at parenting your child — the same as Thompson and her daughter.[u17]

[u1]The introductory paragraph to read. There exist different kinds of parents in our society.


[u3]Delete grammatically inconsistence.


[u5]Out of context.Delete

[u6]Missing meaning.


[u8]Wordy sentance

[u9]Preposition cannot begin a sentence.





[u14]Not commumicating

[u15]Wordy Sentence.

[u16]Misplaced Sentence.

[u17]Wordy sentence no message.

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