The Importance of Accounting in Business

For as long as I can remember, accounting major has been my interest, and I have looked forward to achieving the very best within the field of accounting. Back in my early school times in my home country Vietnam, mathematics and business were my favorites, which fueled my interest in accounting, and in turn, it has remained my dream to become a competent and qualified accountant. Born in Vietnam, I feel my background has prepared me to always focus on achieving the best, and in turn, coming to the United States, I have been presented with the best opportunity to reach my goal.

Having gone through different institutions and job occupations, I have attained the relevant minimum required factors to be admitted into a college. Between 2012 and 2013, I worked as an impact team member in Abercrombie and Fitch firm whereby I was responsible for recording new shipments and maintaining merchandise flow. After this, I also worked as a private tutor when I was required to assist in mathematics and science subjects, prepare lesson plans, provide guidance and feedback to students and instructors and individuals to improve their overall academic performance. Between January and July 2015, I worked for Pizza Hut as a delivery driver, a job that allowed me to interact with different kinds of people as well as improve my communication skills. In 2016, I was employed as a store manager in Best Laundromat. This job gave me the chance to put into practice the little accounting knowledge I have garnered such as preparing store books, maintaining records and payments as well as overseeing the store management. They instilled me with an aspect of responsibility and accountability. Other places that I have worked and have greatly contributed to my professional development include: Goodwill as a customer representative, Nordstrom Rack in sales and retail department, Express clothes among others.

Having been in the USA for the past 8 years, I have attended different institutions and performed well, between 2009 and 2013 I attended the Academy of citizenship and empowerment where I got several awards for my academic excellence. I scoped academic achievement award in mathematics subject, leadership recognition for wildlife volunteer, a student of the month as a freshman and senior. From 2014 to now, I have been a student at Highline College pursuing AS in business. For the time I have been here, I have averaged a 3.83 GPA, a performance that I dedicate and promise to improve once admitted to the AW Tacoma College.

With reference to my academic background and the experience obtained from different fields, I have worked for, the setting has enabled me to be adjusted to work in the dynamic and demanding environment. Not only does my experience in my different occupation prepared me for my future desire of becoming a qualified accountant, it has also instilled me with essential survival skills much needed for a foreigner. The different occupations have taught me how to be responsible and hardworking - key aspects that will enable survive in the UW Tacoma once offered the admission. Being a foreigner, the different occupations I have engaged in have prepared me to be more settled. It has enabled me to interact with different people, understand the American culture and communicate frequently in the English language. With my desire being to find a qualified, and verified by institution that will provide me with the very best yet a challenging environment that will allow me to consolidate both my education and professional goals, expand my knowledge for the overall personal and professional growth. UW Tacoma is my chosen institution, which will give me the very best to achieve my goals, desires, and ambitions.

By joining UW Tacoma, the institution will provide with the very best environment that I require in achieving my dream of becoming a qualified and experienced accountant. With its rich diversity in terms of the student’s background, UW Tacoma provides me with the best, not only to learn from the best educators, but also to learn and interact with the best-selected students from all parts of the world. With my different gained experience from the different task I have engaged in, I have acquired the necessary skills and characters to succeed in one of the best colleges offering accounting courses. Once admitted, I will take that chance to engage with the institution lecturers and resources such as the library to achieve the best grades in my course. With obstacles such as culture shock, language, problem out of the way, I am sure I will attain the very best once given the chance to be part of UW Tacoma students. Finally, I promise to adhere to the UW Tacoma student’s code of conduct, be dedicated to my studies, be responsible and promise to avoid any bad reputation within my time in the institution. Not only will UW Tacoma give me the chance to realize my personal, academic goal, but also may help me in elevating my career to the next level, help in achieving personal goals hence immensely contributing to making me a better person in the society.

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