The Importance of a Dissertation for a Learner

A dissertation is also known as a final year project. A learner is expected to take responsibility of their learning and choose a topic which requires them to produce a literature review, determine a method of conducting the study, write up the findings, give an analysis of the results and discuss the outcomes in a discussion. Part of what I have learned from the given files is the importance of a dissertation for any learner. In summary, a discourse requires one too;

First, undertake in-depth research on a particular topic that affects the society at large. Second, demonstrate independence and originality by coming up with your study and showing its nature and describing its scope. Third, one must engage in an analysis of the chosen topic, interpretation and comparison of substantial data. Presentation of the research must be done in a written manner, organized logically and must be referenced. Fourth, a social science-based dissertation usually is made up of some standard features including; Introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, conclusion, and bibliographic references. Finally, the structured components of a dissertation allow learners to engage in the process of searching for knowledge and enhance one with skills of making a project from the beginning to the end.

Other than lessons learned from seeing this dissertation include understanding the Eileen Munro’s recommendations on the issue of child protection. Munro came up with a child-centered protection system meant to protect children from such topics as violence-based environments, sexual violence, and exploitation. Professor Munro set up an analysis of the Child protection system in England. In her report, she aimed at creating reforms that could see to it that the processes and procedures in the England child protection system that were getting in the way of social workers spending time with vulnerable children and families were made. In her report, some of the problems she cited were;

The England system is target driven meaning social workers are unable to exercise their professional judgment. The network paid too much attention to identification of families and not enough focus on the needs of children expected to come first. She raised concerns about the delays that take place in family courts especially in cases to do with the welfare of children. Social workers becoming very demoralized since the system do not show recognition to the work they do. Professionals indulge in trying to follow the set rules instead of focusing on spending time with children, which is the most important thing for kids.

After pointing out some of the problems that Munro cited with the child care systems, the files have also helped us learn some of the recommendations Munro included in her report. They include;

First, Munro demanded that initial and core assessments should be done away with and replaced by single, ongoing assessments. The government responded by stating that it would make efforts to implement an interim amendment of working together with all the necessary parties, to terminate assessment deadlines. Second, the recommendation stated that the child care protection people should stop unannounced inspections in places like schools and health centers and instead focus on safeguarding performance of children’s services. The government responded by saying that the relevant government officials were working on another inspection schedule. Third, inspections should not only focus on the wrongs but should also look at the outcomes and how children’s wishes and experiences shape services provided. The government responded by stating that it would new local authority to perform inspections based on the new terms. Fourth, Munro stated that both locally published data and nationally published data should be used in running child protection systems, the government took a step and released local performance that was meant to be posted on an annual basis. Fifth, Munro states that Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) should submit an annual report to the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council and the local Police giving details of all activities that involve protection of children in a given year, the government agreed to identify the appropriate legislative vehicle. Finally, Munro requested the government to appoint a chief social worker to oversee that social workers are given rights to interact with children in families, schools, health centers and any other set ups where children are found. The government accepted and started plans to oversee children’s, and adults’ services are implemented.

Mistakes made in writing the dissertation

There was some form of disorganization in the thesis. The thesis contains different ideas written in different copies. There was lack of logical structuring of the work, and there is evidence of a mix up of views.

The documents did not have the preliminary pages, and it was incomplete and out order. Introductory pages include all pages that come before the main text of the paper begins. The sheets help in setting a tone for the dissertation. The pages should also be organized in an order that matches the doctoral program that one is purchasing.

The dissertation does not include an abstract. The abstract gives an overview of the entire research work being conducted. It should not be longer than a page and despite how good a writer presents his or her dissertation, if it does not include an abstract, and then it is not deemed as a complete dissertation.

The paper does not include citations. Therefore, there is not enough proof that the given reference list matches the information in the article. Citations must be present in any dissertation.

Literature review cites way too many authors in one paragraph. A single idea should be from only one or two authors, and this helps bring out points in a precise manner and also enhances coherence in work, contrary to writing down different aspects from different authors all under one idea.

The paper does not show enough research on the topic at hand. There are no set objectives to guide the study; the target population used in conducting the research is not precisely defined. A dissertation requires the learner to give the specific sample size used in doing the study, but in this case, the learner uses general terms to describe the sample size.

The title of the paper does not include all the required details. Information on the area in which the study is being collected is missing, the period in which the research should cover is missing too, and the place at which the study took place is also missing. All these details should be part of the title.

Future Opportunities based on the research

The future opportunities that researchers are likely to explore are derived from the current challenges of the study.

Future opportunities are likely to create a window for cultural change in the childcare protection system in England. The move will be brought about by designing interventions that meet children’s needs through continuous improvement and reflective practice.

The researchers might have an opportunity to research the technological change required to maintain the recommendations made by Eileen. The proposals demand a flexible regional approach of technical use especially in recording and sharing data that relates to children’s rights.

There is room for the creation of better and more effective partnerships with higher education institutions and other organizations to support delivery of social work education to help social workers improve the way in which they deal with children.

Researchers have an opportunity to develop research on whether social workers have regular and appropriate social work supervision. After the recommendations that were set by Munro, the follow up of social work systems may have lacked proper follow-up, scholars have an opportunity to find out more about that in the future.

Researchers have an opportunity of finding out what professional development programs have been put in place by the government to develop social workers knowledge on child protection. Social workers should be empowered to work confidently and competently with children, adults, and families they have been trained to support.


The paper has covered the lessons learned from the dissertation, the mistakes made during writing and the future opportunities that researchers have in developing the study a bit further. However, there is so much work that is yet to be done for the dissertation to be fully complete. Comprehensive analysis and findings need to be done as they form an essential part of the paper. Looking at Munro’s recommendations, her list of demands appears reasonable and is one of the things the England government should focus on maintaining. It should also focus on creating an impact significant enough to be borrowed by other countries.

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