The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intentions in Pakistan

Alvi, F. S., Hafeez, M.& Munawar, R. 2014. Consumer Culture: An Analysis in a Socio - Cultural and Political Frame. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, v. 29 (1), pp. 103-114.

The authors conducted a study on consumerism in Pakistan and the prospect of developing a network of mass market stores in this country. Undoubtedly, it implies an element of marketing and due to it, sales can rise at times. The researchers concluded that the modern Pakistani society depicts the same aspirations to consume by virtue of its specific socio-cultural and political structure, as in European countries, for example. The authors concluded that the political situation also has an impact on the behavior of the population.

Bashir, S., Zeeshan, M., Sabbar, S., Hussain, R. I. & Sarki, I. H. 2013. Impact of Cultural Values and Life Style on Impulse Buying Behavior: A case study of Pakistan. International Review of Management and Business Research, v. 2(1).

The authors considered the issue of the cultural values ​​and life style that influence people’s mood and, accordingly, the desire to buy and consume. The study was conducted in Pakistan. A method was used to conduct the exercise, and for the study it was an empirical method. According to the results, the authors concluded that there is a certain relationship between the values ​​of consumers in Pakistan and therefore marketing research can guide campaigns to promote certain products, and the Pakistanis would buy it if it does not conflict with their values ​​and beliefs. As for Zara, it allowed researchers to conclude that marketing helps Zara’s top management to understand whether this network is necessary for the population of the country.

Khan, Fawad. 2013. The Importance of Digital Marketing. An Exploratory Study to Find the Perception and Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Amongst the Marketing Professionals in Pakistan. Journal of Information Systems and Operations Management, 7(2). pp. 221-228.

The author conducted a study to examine perceptions of digital marketing in Pakistan. An analysis was made of the opinions of professionals in this environment in the state, using statistics and factor analysis. According to the research results, it was clear that those professionals did not have an in-depth understanding about digital marketing and how it could have affected the economic efficiency of Pakistan. All specialists were skeptical and confirmed the assumption that they and their colleagues lacked knowledge and experience. At the same time, it gives grounds for other studies, that is, a deep study of the marketing capabilities of this state, as well as what tools should be used and why.

Lopez, C. & Fan, Y. 2009. Internationalization of the Spanish Fashion Zara.

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, v. 13(2), pp. 279-296.

The authors carried out a research on the internationalization of the retail trade of clothing brands Zara. This brand is known all over the world. Accordingly, if in Pakistan most potential consumers perceive the clothes of this brand seriously and want to purchase it, marketers would find it out. Thus, it can be concluded that the internationalization of Zara in Pakistan is quite possible functionally. However, the main drawback of this study is the limitation of the potential for generalization, because the Pakistani market is too specific, since in Muslim countries, women practically do not wear casual clothes or skirts.

Orcao, A. I. E. & Pérez, D. R. 2013. Global Production Chains in the Fast Fashion Sector, Transports and Logistics: The Case of the Spanish Retailer Inditex. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, v. 2014 (85), pp. 113-127.

The study of these authors dealt with the issue of logistics transportation services in the supply of Zara’s clothing to different countries of the world. This brand is famous all over the world, and stores are represented both in highly developed countries and in developing ones. Analyzing the situation of the company Zara, the authors concluded that the transport and logistics of this enterprise fully fit into the production network and provide the company one of its most noticeable competitive advantages. Additionally, success depends on the efficiency of the logistics model.

Toor, A., Husnain, M. & Hussain, T. 2017. The Impact of Social Network Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention in Pakistan: Consumer Engagement as a Mediator. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, v. 10(1).

In this paper, the authors described their study on the effect of marketing in social networks on the consumer desire of consumers in Pakistan. This study was intended to determine the attitude of the potential target audience, as well as of how it can influence their choice. There were 300 people involved and all were shadowed. According to the results of this study, social network marketing essentially depends on the intentions of customers. It means that marketers are adjusted to the needs and desires of consumers, basing themselves on their requests on the Internet and in social networks. This study provides topics for further research on consumer sentiment in Pakistan, and whether it makes sense to open a network of Zara stores in this country.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2014. Effects of Trade Liberalization on Exports, Imports and Trade Balance in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis. Prague Economic Papers, v. 1.

In his scientific article, the author discusses important trade issues in Pakistan from the point of view of trade liberalization for exports, as well as imports. This paper also was related to the issue of the trade balance in Pakistan, since this market is quite specific, and it is relatively risky to conduct business on mass market clothes in the region. The author assumed that liberalization was capable of stimulating price elasticity and the profitability of exports and imports. In fact, the reduction and further elimination significantly affected the state of exports in Pakistan. According to the results of the study, trade liberalization had a negative impact on trade in Pakistan. In fact, the liberalization of world trade implies the expansion of an unhindered international movement of goods and services and promotes competition in domestic markets, forcing the country’s enterprises. Nevertheless, by providing a wider choice of products for consumers, companies gain advantages in the crowd, except in cases of probable monopoly in the market or the fact of low demand.


Alvi, F. S., Hafeez, M.& Munawar, R. 2014. Consumer Culture: An Analysis in a Socio - Cultural and Political Frame. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, v. 29 (1), pp. 103-114.

Bashir, S., Zeeshan, M., Sabbar, S., Hussain, R. I. & Sarki, I. H. 2013. Impact of Cultural Values and Life Style on Impulse Buying Behavior: A case study of Pakistan. International Review of Management and Business Research, v. 2(1).

Khan, Fawad. 2013. The Importance of Digital Marketing. An Exploratory Study to Find the Perception and Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Amongst the Marketing Professionals in Pakistan. Journal of Information Systems and Operations Management, 7(2). pp. 221-228.

Lopez, C. & Fan, Y. 2009. Internationalization of the Spanish Fashion Zara. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, v. 13(2), pp. 279-296.

Orcao, A. I. E. & Pérez, D. R. 2013. Global Production Chains in the Fast Fashion Sector, Transports and Logistics: The Case of the Spanish Retailer Inditex. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, v. 2014 (85), pp. 113-127.

Toor, A., Husnain, M. & Hussain, T. 2017. The Impact of Social Network Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention in Pakistan: Consumer Engagement as a Mediator. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, v. 10(1).

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2014. Effects of Trade Liberalization on Exports, Imports and Trade Balance in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis. Prague Economic Papers, v. 1.

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