The Impact of CRISPR and Gene Splicing on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Advanced technology and innovation have contributed to the revolution of biomedicine and biotechnology. Through the advanced technology, it is possible to perform gene modifications through gene splicing and Clustered Regularly Interspace Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR). Gene splicing involves alteration of a gene in which a single gene is used to code numerous genes. CRISPR, on the other hand, allows direct editing of specific genes (Michael, Alan and Jackson).

Gene splicing and CRISPR and medical field 183

The future of the pharmaceutical industry will be positively influenced by the development of gene splicing and CRISPR. Through this technology, genetic errors and defect that causes disease will be easily corrected. Through gene editing diseases that result from the genetic errors will be easily treated, this will reduce the mortality rate from such defects. Such innovation will allow the medical industry to make steps towards the detection and correction of the genetic disorders (Victor).

The technology will also help to eliminate the microbes that cause diseases; scientist and medical researchers will easily replicate the mutations of genes that averts microbes from entering into the cells. Such modification will reduce the risk of cell attacks by the microbes hence prevent and reduce the spread of diseases. Generally, CRISPR and gene slicing technology will impact the medical field significantly. Medical practitioners will have the ability to detect and correct gene distortion and reduce illnesses and microbes that spread this disease, the overall positive impact of the technology is the reduction of mortality rate and annual deaths (Victor).

Gene splicing and CRISPR and designer babies

Gene splicing and CRISPR technology are also useful in the development of designer babies; the technology allows the editing of the embryonic genetic material to produce babies with suitable genetic composition. Through gene modification of embryo achieved through genetic editing, it is possible to develop designer babies that are not affected by any genetic condition that is inherited from the parents (Connor).

The designer babies through gene splicing and CRISPR are engineered to have a better genetic trait that the babies born through the usual way. The editing of these embryos provides them with better chances for survival and fewer chances of contracting diseases. Gene splicing and CRISPR on embryos will have an impact on an entire generation; this is because the genetic traits and characteristics on the embryos will be passed from one generation to another which will eventually change the genetic composition of the entire human population. Such changes will help to reduce genetic condition and improve the genetic makeup of all the generation (Connor).  

Gene splicing and CRISPR and bringing back the extinct animals

Through gene editing using the splicing and CRISPR technology, it is possible to bring back the extinct organisms. These techniques use the existing cell of the extinct species, and through gene editing, they can produce a hybrid of the species. The revived animals would have the characteristic of the species that were used during gene splicing to edited the genetic matter. The most recent trial of de-extinction involves experiments by Harvard scientific researchers to bring back the Woolly Mammoth. De-extinction of the organism involves replicating the extinct animal genes and splicing them to the genome of another animal. Even though de-extinction of animals is possible, it would take ages before the spliced cells develop in to mature animal, the existing research is at the embryo level. The scientist at the Harvard school of medicine says that through CRISPR gene editing technology, the de-extinction program may happen faster than expected. (Wray).

Works Cited

Connor, Steve. "Rewriting Life: First Human Embryos Edited in the U.S.: Researchers Have Demonstrated They Can Efficiently Improve the DNA of Human Embryos." 26 July 2017. .

Michael, Gapinske†, et al. "CRISPR-SKIP: Programmable Gene Splicing with Single Base Editors." Genome Biology (2018). .

Victor, Tangermann. "A CRISPR Future: Five Ways Gene Editing Will Transform Our World: Eradicating Pathogens. Treating Genetic conditions. Growing More Healthy Food. What Can't CRISPR Do?" 30 January 2018. 8 December 2018. .

Wray, Britt. "CRISPR May Prove Useful in De-Extinction Efforts." 1 September 2017. The Scientist. 9 December 2018. .

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