The film Boss Baby


On March 21, 2017, Michael McCullers and Tom McGrath released the animated and comedic movie Boss Baby for young audiences. Box Office has rated it as DreamWorks Animation's finest animation, giving major rivals like Pixar a tough time. The plot of a children's book by Marla Frazee served as motivation. Sibling-related family problems are discussed in the movie. It addresses the issue of sibling conflict, particularly when the elder child witnesses a new baby and harbors fears that the amount of parental love would diminish. Expect some chases and frightening sequences despite the film's hilarious nature for gags. The participation by Alec Baldwin among other characters gives it a melodious outlook. The essay depicts my reaction towards the plot and character performance.

The Approach Applied in the Film

The approach applied in the film borrowed much from the Pixar's famous movie "Inside Out" regarding genetic material composition. There was a meticulous plotting of the story on how the brain works. It lacks coherency and logic represented by constant slapdash in the execution of poopy diapers. As compared to the book Boss Baby, the film includes long conveyor belts that decide on the arrival of a new baby after the tickle test. In the absence of giggles, the child qualifies to join the management of Baby Corps. However, this does not come out as humor.

My Opinion on the Film

In my opinion, the creators of the film acted desperately to get attention from all age groups by injecting some contents that are unfit. For instance, the Beatles' "Blackbird" to be used as the song sang to Tim during sleep time. The folks tease items in the house like bare bottoms releasing pixilated baby private parts resulting in an explosion of baby powder. In some instances, the script mentioned: "Baby Jesus" and the reference to a magic formula that totally had no connection to its flow.


After watching The Boss Baby, I realized that babies are only good when they are behaving childishly. The film exceeded my expectation when they presented the kids as little adults. I understood the fundamental wrong in human beings that make them protest against babies. In fact, the film was above the boring trailer of The Boss Baby that I had seen. What left me wondering is whether the people in the movie clearly understood how babies behave.

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