The Effects of Stereotyping

Stereotypes on Campus

Stereotype refers to the common and widely held ideas and conventional images of particular kind of people (Banchefsky and Park 1). On campus, there are certain stereotypes held for people of every major. For instance, films majors keep quoting television shows and movies in their conversations. People seen carrying novels are most probably English majors, those in official and fancy outfits to be business majors, and those who wear dorky glasses and tend to talk faster in a manner hard to comprehend, mostly male, are without a doubt math and science major (Banchefsky and Park 3). Sociology majors, to say the least, are perceived to be the opinionated and judgmental. In general, it is easy to tell of each student major from their physical and character representation.

Approaching Strangers

The case is no different as to when I approach a stranger. Most often, before talking to a person I have never met before, I stereotypically assume what kind of a person they may be. The last time I approached a stranger was like three weeks ago. From afar, he seemed all happy and friendly, not to mention the official look and sitting etiquette. I outrightly knew that we would click as his appeared attracted me the most.

Personal Preferences and Stereotypes

Not all the time that I make such a bold move of approaching a stranger. The manner in which they talk, sit, dress, and carry themselves can be either a turn on or off. Worse of all, I shun off people with dreadlock and gothic looks, and this is because I always find my beliefs conflict with that of theirs. To avoid unnecessary and baseless arguments, I chose not to engage with such people unless it is necessary or unavoidable. Nonetheless, I try to learn on how to accommodate people I perceive of not of my caliber.

Work Cited

Banchefsky, Sarah, and Bernadette Park. "Negative Gender Ideologies and the Gender-Science Stereotypes Are More Pervasive in a Male-Dominated Academic Discipline". Social Sciences, vol 7, no. 2, 2018, p. 27. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/socsci7020027

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