The Determinants of Grit in University Students

Caren Baruch-Feldman (2017, p. 31) in a study defines Grit as the ability of an individual to persist in something he feels passionate about and persevere even if he encounters obstacles. This type of passion is not about intense emotions or infatuations. Caren Baruch further states that Grit is all about commitment and directions (Duckworth, 2011, p. 2639). With this kind of passion, an individual will always remain committed and strong thou a boring or difficult situation.

On the other hand, the importance of Grit includes; the benefit of Grit is that it is a driver of success and achievement. Also, it is a driver to independent of and beyond what talent and intelligence contribute (Perkins-Gough, 2013, p. 15). An individual might be intelligent and smart but without that self-drive to do what he is passionate about; he cannot be successful. Therefore, without Grit, both talent and intelligence can be unused potential. The other significance of Grit is that it gives one the courage and determinations to do something even if the situation is hard or boring (Duckworth, 2011, p. 2639). It makes people have the courage to pursue their dream even in the presence of a difficult situation.    

Literature review

A study done by Duckwork, Peterson, Matthews and Kelly (2007, p. 1087) states that Grit is perseverance and passion for long objectives and goals. They also state that the components that make Grit include discipline, self-control and sacrificing short-term achievements for long term-terms fulfilment and accomplishments (Duckworth, 2007, p. 1087). They give formula in their study that; Grit= skill × effort. Whereby effort is the quantity of time devoted to practice, enhance skills and get experience. Therefore, natural talent and intelligence are significant elements for success.

Moreover, a study by Duckworth et al. (2011, p. 2640) argues that there is an association between Grit and achievement. They state that previous study done by Dweck`s (2003) supports their empirical evidence. A study that was done in the U.S, it was found that Grit to predict success beyond the variance explained by intelligence and personality. Also, Grit was found to be correlated to educational success and attainment (Duckworth, 2011, p. 2639). 


The study proposed intervention to be used to teach the university students about grit is to share stories of gritty famous people. The other intervention method is to teach university students about grit through literature. To enhance our intervention we opted to have an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group will be studied by the guide of the null hypothesis. On the other hand, the controlled group will be guided by the alternative hypothesis. In each faculty we will identify two students. Each of the students will be guided by an alternative hypothesis or null hypothesis. The student in different faculties will be used in the study, the result will be compared in regards to the null and alternative hypothesis.   

The study will propose to research on the determining if Grit is an essential element in the attainment of success and achievements. Thus, the analysis will be governed by the following study hypothesis.

Alternative Hypothesis

RQ1- H1 Grit as a determinant of success and performance.

RQ2- H2 Talent without Grit and Passion is unused potential.

RQ3- H3 Importance of Grit to students.

RQ4- H4 Ways to enhance Grit among students.

Null Hypothesis

H0 Grit is not a determinant of success and performance.

H0 Talent with Grit and Passion is unused potential.

H0 There is no Importance of Grit to students.

H0 There is no ways to enhance Grit among students.

Data collection

The research proposes to utilize the use of both primary and secondary data. In regards, to secondary data, the study will retrieve the information and data from the school library and the internet (Grant, Heidi, and Carol, 2003, 541). While in regards to primary data, the research will utilize the use of questionnaires and interview with the university study in different faculties. Moreover, the study proposes to recruit about two students in each faculty within the university. In each faculty, one student will be asked to fill the questionnaires and the other to undergo the interview process.

Statistical analysis

The research proposes to utilize secondary and primary data for the analysis of data and information retrieved from the interview and questionnaires. In case the data are too large, the study will opt for quantitative data analysis software. The study will use either structured or semi-structured questionnaires or semi-structured interviews (Baruch-Feldman, 2017, p.33).

To justify the data collected for the proposed study, the study will orient the participant`s perspective through an in-depth response. This will be done to probe and clarify the information given. Also, the study might use examples in case of interviews for clarifications.   


In the proposed study we expect to identify a positive relationship between Grit and success among students in the university. We will recognize that those students in different faculties that have talent and are intelligent will only be successful if they have passion and determination (Perkins-Gough, 2013, p. 15). Also, we will expect to prove that the student who has talent and is intelligent cannot be successful. The reason is that they do not have the perseverance to withstand difficult and hard situations like the student who possesses Grit. Furthermore, the study expects to find out that students in different faculties that show a high degree of commitment to objectives and goals are supported in the same manner that students with natural talent are encouraged through gifted and extensive programs.


A crucial aim of positive education is to assist students to create their capability through striving for and attaining significant results. Therefore, further studies should focus on studies on which the society should help the students get grittier (Perkins-Gough, 2013, p. 15). The society should not assume that student can be so determined to their goals and objectives. They should give them support regardless whether the students are naturally intelligent or not. To enhance grit among students needs support from everyone in the society.


Baruch-Feldman, Caren. The Grit Guide for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Build Perseverance, Self-Control, and a Growth Mindset. New Harbinger Publications, 2017.

Duckworth, Angela L. "The significance of self-control." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

108.7 (2011): 2639-2640.

Duckworth, Angela L., et al. "Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals." Journal of personality and social psychology 92.6 (2007): 1087.

Grant, Heidi, and Carol S. Dweck. "Clarifying achievement goals and their impact." Journal of personality and social psychology 85.3 (2003): 541.

Perkins-Gough, Deborah. "The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth." Educational Leadership

71.1 (2013): 14-20.

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