The Death of the Author in Balzac's Sarrasine

Ronald Barthes and the Death of the Author

Ronald Barthes, who is the writer of the 'Death of the Author' nullifies his statement by claiming no publisher should declare that they are the authors of the entire books because their ideas did not generate from them but through other things such as images, words, and sound. Through is the linguistic theme of arguing who is the real author of a text, Barthes claimed that all ideas regenerated from somewhere. He claims that anything created by a conscious mind can therefore be judged and contemplated by another person. In his story Sarrasine Balzac, he distinguishes the writing that stated that the woman herself is characterized by her fears, worries, impetuous boldness, her sensitivity and her impulsive boldness. Through this example, the author claims that no one can argue that the philosophy of the woman is furnished by her personality.

The Revival of Originality and the Death of the Author

It is of no doubt that as soon as the originality begins to go to the outside world, the death of the original concept begins to revive. In other words, the end of an author means that the author only remains powerful when there has no criticism. The author even gave an example Mallarme who is in France that when there is a substitute language, the originality begins to fade away unless it's from the owner. This way, the author remains powerful because it is the language that speaks and not the author. Based on Barthes claim, writing is done through a prerequisite impersonality by castrating an object to make the word to act and perform and not the author. Therefore, the success of any author not only comes within them, impression, feelings or humor, but rather the large dictionary based on the multiplicity of their writing ranged over their systematic exemption of the meaning. This brings out the idea of the story to be narrated.

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