The Annunciation

The Outdoor Setting

Corinthian columns support a cloister; Virgin Mary is sitting with her head down to show respect for Angel Gabriel, who stands just before her; both Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel are seated in the cloister to separate themselves from the now unholy world; reflections of the architecture and figures curves; corridor where both Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel are carrying out their conversation; sitting stool where Virgin Mary sits; floor for the veranda; and enthroned Virgin Mary. In summary, this art is composed of all the elements of an outdoor setting to allow for a clear and precise view.

Inconsistent Lighting

The artist failed to give the art a consistent lighting despite giving good linear perspective control. The artist chose the outdoor setting with an expectation to cause some radiance on the images, an attribute that does not exist. The art does not show the natural lighting perspective in any way. For instance, one would expect unevenly lit interior arcade because light is radiating from the left side of the setting. Virgin Mary’s image casts a shadow on the corridor’s floor while there is no shadow casted by Angel Gabriel’s image. In case he wanted to bring out the lighting context, then both images needed to cast a shadow because they were against natural light. Still on lighting, the artist perhaps preferred to have this art viewed where light is low because the outdoor setting provides unnecessary additional light to the view of this piece of art.

Emphasis on Space

This art gives space its required attention. The heights of images of both Angel Gabriel and Virgin Mary achieve the needed singular elegance. Virgin Mary is sitting on a stool while Angel Gabriel is standing in front of her at a recommended distance. The distance between the two images could allow for effective communication while at the same time allow for personal space since Angel Gabriel was a supernatural being while Mary was a human being. The space allowed by the artist brings out the difference between these two personalities very clearly. Space is given a lot of emphasis in this piece of art to bring out the reality. For instance, he has used a center column to put both Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel opposite each other but still maintaining closeness for effective communication.

Precise Colors

Fra Angelico chose precise colors for this piece of art. He chose to paint Angel Gabriel’s clad with gold and pink to show holiness. His wings are also painted using multiple colors to show his magnificence. It brings out its supernatural nature clearly and precisely. The artist used gold color to paint Mary’s enthroned head to show her magnificence as a holy human being. She is the chosen one and deserves some royal treatment. According to this artist, the color of gold signifies royalty and holiness. He also used the darker color to represent the shadow of Virgin Mary as she blocked the casted natural light from the invisible source.

Perfect Scale

The scale of the image is perfect because it represents reality. It is natural that when Angel Gabriel bent to talk to Virgin Mary, his head would be placed at the same place as that of Mary. The distance between their head and the ceiling is proportional.

Work Cited

Fra Angelico, The Annunciation, 1440-1445 (Museo di San Marco, Florence)

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