The Animal Categories Basing On Danger

Why most people are concerned about entangling dolphins in tuna nets but less concerned about entangling tuna in nets is one of the biggest questions raised in "Who swims with the tuna." The rate at which people are putting dolphins to death astounds me. I think a dolphin has distinct characteristics that humans have given it (Quammen, 2012). Nowadays, it's common to locate tuna that is safe for dolphins but not dolphins that are safe for tuna. Human beings have associated the dolphins with special features such as being bright, generous, and affectionate and these are some of the characteristics people want from friends. I believe humans have been unfair to the dolphins. The author adds that dolphins swim with the tuna and that could be the reason why they are often caught in the tuna nets.

Rationale on Animal Consumption

Human beings have been unfair to the animals. Even though there are other sources of nutrients, people have settled on killing the animals for food. Our food system is the major contributor to the suffering of animals. I believe the benefits of eating the animals cannot be compared to the loss humans have brought to diversity (Schlosser, 2005). Some animals have become extinct due to constant destruction by human beings. There are other food sources which can be consumed instead of taking food products (Wolf, 2005). In this manner, the costs of protecting and guarding the animals are reduced significantly. People should learn that animals need to live happily just like human beings (Psihoyos, 2009). Animals should be our immediate friends and not sources of food.


Psihoyos, L., (2009). The Cove. Vmovee. Retrieved from

Quammen, D. (2012). The boilerplate rhino: nature in the eye of the beholder. Simon and Schuster. In “Who Swims with The Tuna.” Retrieved from

Schlosser, E., (2005). Epilogue. Fast Food Nation. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. pp. 255-270. Retrieved from

Wolf, V., (2005). Earthlings. YouTube. Retrieved from

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