Teaching Philosophy

A Teaching Philosophy and Its Significance

A teaching philosophy denotes a personal reflective statement of one's core beliefs and values associated with learning and teaching. It entails a narrative summarized in about two pages expressing original ideas regarding the attributes of an effective teacher. In particular, the philosophy establishes concepts with specific, and clear examples addressing the practices and behaviors demonstrated by learners and teachers to attain a particular goal. Therefore, it is critical to develop, own, and adhere to a practical teaching philosophy thereby reinforcing the need to accomplish the preset objectives and goals.

The Importance of Developing a Teaching Philosophy

Development, owning, and abiding by a useful philosophy is an integral part of facilitating effecting teaching and learning in an education center. Establishing a teaching perspective that is influenced by a person's core beliefs and values enables a tutor to articulate such values to peers, students, or search committee thereby spawning a competitive environment to enhance performance. The philosophy also signifies an introduction to a teaching portfolio of an individual. Owning a teaching philosophy is essential in emphasizing on the need for a teacher to stay focused when one encounters good, hard, great challenging experiences. Consequently, a teacher can stick to the identified core values and beliefs. Living by the teaching mission statement is a critical antecedent that facilitates instructors to reflect on the principle standards and dogmas that strengthen and directs efforts about education and the role of tutors in a teaching career (Center for Educational Innovation, 2018).

Shaping Teaching Practices Through Personal Philosophy

My teaching philosophy has significantly contributed to shaping my potential teaching person as it encompasses my values and principles regarding teaching. The framework enables me to develop my viewpoints and perspective on teaching thereby reducing the likelihood of following a shared course of actions and culture of teaching. Having a personal philosophy is essential in mentoring an instructor concerning the strategic attributes of remarkable teaching thereby having insights about "bad teaching." Furthermore, the philosophy provides a framework to articulate what students need to obtain from my teaching. Additionally, the model enables me to focus and address the goals I have developed for specific curricula and the objectives behind the preset goals. Consequently, philosophy plays a vital role in reinforcing and shaping my personality and teaching practices (Lang, 2010).

Creating a Positive Learning Environment

I believe the classroom is a living society and that in which contribution and support of principle, parents, and efforts of the students in order to develop a positive environment that enhances learning and improves performance. Therefore, I long to spawn this kind of educational setting where learners can maximize their potential during studying and learning. In particular, I believe that there are three vital elements that advocate for active learning (Cox, 2018). They include; the students' engagement and participation, the teacher role as a guide and mentor, and students should make decisions that direct their curiosity towards learning as well as given the opportunity to practice learning in a conducive environment. My philosophy is subject to change because teaching experience is dynamic thereby signifying the need to change. For instance it is essential to integrate technology in classroom to enable students have a broader understanding of the activities learnt (UCAT, 2018).

The Impact of Teaching Philosophy

In conclusion, it is evident that teaching philosophy is a crucial element in the teaching profession which enhance participation and focused teaching and learning. A well-written teaching philosophy demonstrates a clear and distinct portfolio of a teacher which signifies outstanding teaching in a given educational center. Moreover, a teaching philosophy is essential as a useful and practical teaching philosophy reinforces the change in educational behavior thereby fostering personal and career growth and development in addition to achieving the educational goals of an institution.


Center for Educational Innovation. (2018, October 30). Writing your Teaching Philosophy. Retrieved from Center for Educational Innovation: https://cei.umn.edu/writing-your-teaching-philosophy

Cox, J. (2018, October 16). 4 Sample Teaching Philosophy Eaxamples. Retrieved from ThoughtCO: https://www.thoughtco.com/teaching-philosophy-examples-2081517

Lang, J. (2010, August 29). 4 Steps to Memorable Teaching Philosophy. Retrieved from The Chronicles of Higher Education: https://www.chronicle.com/article/4-Steps-to-a-Memorable/124199

UCAT. (2018). Professional Development: Teaching Portfolio. Retrieved from UCAT: https://ucat.osu.edu/professional-development/teaching-portfolio/

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