Suffering and God

In the paper, the author acknowledges that suffering is itself a consequence of sin; and the sinful nature of man leads to eternal condemnation. In the movie by Wooden Allen it would take an atheist position to regard that God does not exist; and it is so that a world without God would also be valueless. In the book of Job God’s comes out as one that rewards people that persevere in suffering without losing faith. But, God does delight in human suffering for he has given freewill to make decisions and move away from sinfulness.

Keywords: Conscience, Sin, Concupiscence, Suffering

Is suffering caused by humanity’s sins?

Sin, Human Nature and God

In the movie “Crime and Misdemeanors” directed by Wooden Allen, the story of Judah and Cliff bring out discussions regarding God’s role in the establishment of ethical values and whether if God did not exist such would make the world valueless. Other assertion is that the world proceeds from a wholly good God. Also, in Cliff documentary, is when he noted on the story of Israelites in where God is portrayed as one who cares. But, he not only cares but also asks of people to behave morally. The paradox, however, been that the same God asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son to him. Thus, meaning even in the scriptures there has not been a successful effort to create a loving image of God.

Now, the whole problem is to establish what exactly causes sin in the world. Sin is defined as an “immoral act that violates the dictates of divine law” (Lindstrom, 1994). Sin has been defined as that action, thought or feeling that goes against God’s standards (Winters, 2016). According to the researcher, the logic in these two definitions mean God cannot be the cause of sin; but actually that which acts so that in acting contradicts or violates God’s standards or the divine law. In this case, “that which” can only be a human person with intellect and will. In different religions and in the scripture the faith around sin is that sinful people will be punished through hell fire and theologians have underscored that the price of sin shall be the total separation from God (Warren, 1980). And, in the Christian doctrine the belief is that Jesus, the Son of God came to liberate the world from sin. On this basis, it means God is not the author of sin and He sent his only son to redeem the world from the Evil One.

Scholars regard sin as the deeds of the body and in Romans 1:20 it is opined that God’s moral law has been written in the heart of each human person. Human beings whenever faced with temptation, their conscience raise red flags. For instance, conscience being the understanding of right and wrong signals to the person the time they are about to break God’s laws and standards. In general, conscience is the faculty that prevents human beings from committing sin (Lindstrom, 1994).


The assertion would be that suffering in the world is as a result of human sin; this is by virtue of separating self from God, and that comes with it the price of unhappiness and suffering.


Warren, T. B. (1980). Sin, Suffering " God. National Christian Press

Lindstrom, F. (1994). Suffering and Sin: Interpretations of Illness in the Individual

Complaint Psalms. Almqvist and Wiksell Publishers

Winters, P. (2016). Sin " Suffer (Pure Corruption). Forever Publishers

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