Succession planning

In order to maintain a regular flow of qualified employees who are prepared to fill vital responsibilities that can fall vacant for various reasons, succession planning is a crucial component of any firm. The campus recreation department also has an organizational plan in place to accomplish the aforementioned goal.
First of all, the strategy calls for an executive director to oversee the organization's overall operations. This position is crucial for the organization since it establishes a central leadership through which each complaint or suggestion is reviewed before being implemented. In the immediate position of the Executive director, there is the position of director, as well as the Business Manager. The business manager deals with the coordination of accounting technicians before reporting the same to the executive director. On the other hand, the director is in charge of all other organization’s operations, other than accounting. The director has the Administrative assistant in place to aid in running the services, in any case, the director is not available.

Below the director, there is an associate director in charge of the programs. Below him, there is the assistant director in charge of the fitness which also has the coordinator within the same docket. Additionally, there are other positions of associate director of intramural sports, outdoor program, as well as the assistant director of the sports clubs, all supported with different coordinators. The presence of the coordinators and assistant directors makes it easier to have a vertical form of communication in case of an issue (Casson, 2013).). However, in any case of the absence of the associate director, there can arise a problem on which assistant should head their counterparts.

Also, there is another associate director in charge of facilities, below him are another assistant director in charge of facilities and aquatic who has the support of the coordinator aquatic, as well as the coordinator facilities. Additionally, there is the equipment manager, maintenance manager, as well as the custodial supervisor who is in charge of the custodians. The same challenge of who should manage this position is likely to come up, a case when the associate director in charge of facilities may not be available.

Lastly, there is the associate director in charge of administration. Just like other associate positions, this position lacks an assistant, associate director that can take place in a case the associate director is not available. Such a position aids in avoiding unnecessary feuds within the organizations on who should be in charge, when the associate director is unavailable.

Plan for Future

Regarding the ideas about the campus recreation organizational chart, there will be the new position of an Assistant Executive Director. The post will work as the immediate leadership in place at the time when Judy Muenchow, the executive director will not be available. The assistant position aids the organization to avoid the power of supremacy between the director, and the business manager.

Additionally, each Associate Director position will have an assistant to take place in case of the absence by the principal associate. The plan will be useful in all areas of programs, facilities, as well as administration.


Casson, M. (2013). The Process of Coordination. Information and Organization, 35-75.


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