Study on Bullying


Humans live together in societies, based the relationships developed over time they tend to interact communicate, and share memorable events with each other. One of the primary needs of the human society is relations with one another and socialization. Hence based on this inherent desire people may go to any length to attain and maintain close bonds and tires. There is need to mention that in the course of societal development a couple of factors or human actions have proven to have detrimental effects on the development of bonds and relationships between members of the society. The above mention behavior is arrived at based on a couple of actions such as adverse orientations and improper character attributes attained during human growth and development.

The Concept of Bullying

One of the most common unwanted social behaviors which feature in the society in recent time is the concept known to many as bullying. The above mentioned adverse behavior tends to function in people of over time irrespective of age, gender, and disposition. Having provided a background to the study, it is important to mention that bullying can be defined as the process by which force, coercion and threat is used as a means of abusing, aggressively dominating, and also as means of intimidating others, based on the feature of this adverse behavior it is said to be repetitive and habitual. At this juncture, there is need also to mention that the effect of the above as continued to increase in today’s society. Hence this study is developed as augmentative inform on bullying, it causes, and impact on the community. In the end, a conclusion will be established to sum up the ideas of the study.

Characteristics and Types of Bullying

Having provided a base of the study, there is a need to begin by carrying out a profound view of this social adverse behavioral tendency. As mention earlier, bullying is an aggressive behavior directed to an individual with the aim of achieving a couple of motives which includes domination and continued control of the subjects. It is important to note that the above-mentioned behavior is a problem that must be eradicated from the society based on the fact that it depends on the use of force to gain control over an individual intimidated them, and most often than not it forces them to act against their will (Smith et al. 25). In contemporary time, bullying has been used to assert domination over people and this action has included the use of threats coercion, physical assaults, and verbal harassment. Bullying can be defined in many ways could mean specific things to different people. However, there is a general notion regarding bullying as an adverse behavior with detrimental effects on members of the community. Bullying is action carried out with a couple of motives in mind including the forceful imposition of personal beliefs, religion ideology and orientation on other the use of force, (Smith et al. 34)

Categories of Bullying

Based on the importance and detrimental effects of bullying it has been described and divided into distinct categories by various countries of the world. In the United States for instance, by law bullying is divided into four different groups. Emotional or rational bulling this occurs when action is deliberately carried out to infringe on the emotional well-being of an individual. Verbal bullying happens when a person is a constant victim of hurting words on a regular basis. According to the US law, physical bullying happens which a person suffers continuous physical arm and cannot neither control or prevent such action. Based on recent developments in modern information communication technologies the US also recognize cyberbullying which is defined as any form of threat danger or coercion directed at an individual of ICT platforms such as the internet, mobile phones, etc. (Barlett et al. 1)

The Harmful Effects of Bullying

Having looked at the different categories of bullying, it is also important to mention that an individual could do the bullying, and when it is carried out by a group of people, it is known as mobbing. In recent times, there have been reports of harassment in various sectors of human endeavors most especially in places such as schools and work. The incidences and occurrence of this action in school have continued raise concerns; Parents have continued to report cases of harassment faced by their children resulting in detrimental effects such as low self-esteem and loss of studying interest. Some fact about bullying includes, - 20% grade six of students in the United States have experienced harassment at one time on the other, teachers and other in their life, prominent members of the society have not fully comprehended the adverse effects of bullying on students and the community at large. Bullies are said to have higher self-esteem and attain more top social cadres compared to their counterparts. Based on the above notion and description of the concept of bullying, it is essential to state that the behavior has adverse effects on members of the society hence it should be discouraged in its totality in every aspect of the community.

Causes of Bullying

A couple of factors could be attributed to the cause of bullying in today’s contemporary society; they include the desire to seek attention. When an individual or a group of people feel that they are not getting the much-needed attention, they require they turn to bullying. People with limited or no understanding of the concept of care and empathy would be involved in acts of bullying. Another factor that could be regarded as the cause of bullying is family and parental influence. Children whose upbringing is characterized by negative attributes such as the presence e of authoritative parents, domestic violence, divorce and improper communicating are likely to grow up as bullies ( Lutgen-Sandvik et al. 60).Communities where acts of violence get rewarded with positive benefits, will tend to be a good breathing ground for bullies. It is necessary to mention that the causes bullying also include adverse societal and community norms, the inability to distinguish between right and wrong. Irrespective of the cause of bullying is it essential to note that this action remains menace which must efficiently be eradicated from the society, (Lutgen-Sandvik et al. 90)

Impact of Bullying

Having discussed the meaning, attributes, and the causes of bullying, there is need also to carry out an overview of the effects of the action both on the victims and perpetrators. Over the years and in recent time couple of impact have been associated with the act of bullying, it is significant to note that the effect of this action cuts across those who are bullied and the bullies themselves. Recent studies have pointed that teens who engage in bullying have the tendencies and higher chances of participating in delinquent behaviors at later stages of their lives. These groups of people have tendencies of being involved in crimes at later stages of life. Bullies are also at the risk of the possibility of engaging in substance abuse and dropping out of school with tendencies of remaining part of societal sociopaths. The victim of bullying on the other hand also experience many detrimental effects of as a result of these acts. This group of people are said to develop an increased level of anxiety and worry; they tend to experience depression more than their peers who were not being bullied, (Carr-Gregg et al. 78)


Based on the constant threat to their well-being, this group people tend to spend considerable time alone and away from others which could lead to social isolation and loneliness. People who experienced bullying at one point or other during their childhood have the tendencies of developing lower social support and association during their adulthood. This group of people could also have poorer mental and financial status in future based on their past experiences. As mention the course of this study, bullying also occur in work settings hence it is essential to state that victims of bullying at work are usually lower performers, they are always absent from work and in most case, the ultimate effects of bullying in work settings is a high rate of employee turnover. Since the impact of bullying cannot be overemphasized in every society, it is, therefore, essential to mention also that there are rare cases which the victim of bullying also ends up becoming bullies. In such cases, this group of people is said to be more vulnerable and exhibit the advanced stages of adverse behavioral tendencies such as anxiety, loneliness, and depression,(Carr-Gregg et al. 93)

In conclusion, having provided a convincing analysis of the concept of bullying, the study notes that it is an act of violence directed at individuals with specific aims such as intimidation, suppression, and the desire to coerce people into carrying out actions against their will. The paper also mentions that bullying could result based on factors such as adverse environmental attributes, poor parenting, and adverse societal orientation. Based on the findings of the study, it was pointed out the effects of bullying are unpleasant and in detriments to any community, such effects include depression and low self-esteem. Based on the dexterity of the research carried out by this study, is was also discover that there some negative impact for individuals who were both victims and perpetrators of acts of bullying such effects include adverse antisocial tendencies and increased signs depression. Conclusively, it is important to point out that of bullying remains and an adverse action that is contrary to the norms and values of a functional society. Hence it should be discouraged at all times. Based on the concepts and ideas portrayed by this study, there is need to refute any arguments that have been developed in support of bullying in the past, and uphold the notion that bullying should be discarded form any society. It is therefore recommended that members of any community should be provided with an adequate orientation regarding the types, causes and effects of bullying, the government of nations should put laws and actions in place to discourage, punish, and prevent acts of bullying within their domain.

Works Cited

Barlett, Christopher P., and Michelle F. Wright. "Longitudinal relations among cyber, physical,

and relational bullying and victimization: comparing majority and minority ethnic youth." Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (2017): 1-11.

Carr-Gregg, Michael, and Ramesh Manocha. "Bullying: Effects, prevalence and strategies for

detection." Australian family physician 40.3 (2011): 98.

Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela, Gary Namie, and Ruth Namie. "Workplace bullying: Causes,

consequences, and corrections." Destructive organizational communication. Routledge, 2010. 43-68.

Smith, Peter K., et al. "Definitions of bullying: A comparison of terms used, and age and gender

differences, in a Fourteen–Country international comparison." Child development 73.4 (2002): 1119-1133.

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